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Pré de Cordy at Sarlat

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Has anyone eaten at the chef's training restaurant at the Pré de Cordy (Lycee Professionnel Regional) in Sarlat?

We're eating there tonight, the menu looks good and at 14 euros it's not expensive. I tried googling but couldn't find anything relating to the restaurant, so perhaps it's not that well publicised.


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Hi, would be very interested in how it went for you tonight. I  assume it is near the school.  I have never heard nor have seen anything about this restaurant, judging by the fact that no one else has posted perhaps it is something new.  Do let us know.


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Well, reporting back on the restaurant, it was superb!

They serve a fixed menu (no choices) but the standard was what you might expect at an expensive restaurant.  The setting was beautiful, in an old vaulted ceiling hall of golden-yellow Sarlat stone.  The waitresses were all trainees too, very young and rather nervous, as they were being marked on their performance by their tutor.

The restaurant was full, and is in fact pretty much always fully booked for months in advance (the reason perhaps why they have no need to advertise, as word of mouth seems to be doing the trick nicely). We only found out about it through a friend who teaches at the college.

It's actually situated next to the car-park near to the cinema complex in Place Pasteur.  They're fully booked now until May, and the only spaces they have are for the examination period (when apparently people aren't too keen to eat there as the tension is so great you could cut it with a sabatier knife).

The phone number is 05 53 28 53 84, or you could pop in on a Tuesday, Thurday or Friday lunchtime, or Tuesday night to pick up the menu.



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