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discovered another great new "chambre d'hôtes" -style guesthouse, Belgian cuisine under the French sun !

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Just back from a random drive through the Tarn & Garonne district, looking for property. Looking for a place to stay I discovered a really lovely new Chambre d'Hôtes which is worth quite a detour if you're in the Toulouse-Agen area ! It is called La Chèvre Blanche (the white goat) and owned/run by a friendly young Belgian couple, (Xavier and Annemieke ?), who seem to speak 4 languages fluently, own a house full of great antiques and serve 4-star meals and royal breakfasts, all for an excellent price. Duly impressed ! (I hope they can maintain this standard of service AND the enthusiasm) Check their website http://www.lachevreblanche.com  - Interested to know from other readers of the forum about their hints for B&Bs in this erea...

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