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It's nice to know there are some folks in the Tarn. Our family spent some time in Albi this past summer and we felt it offered some pleasant big city perks in a small town atmosphere. So do others feel that way? We plan to rent a house there in the spring so we can know the area a bit better before looking to purchase a property. Our first impressions were extremely positive. Friendly people, good infrastructure, lovely old section with delightful distractions, pretty town with a river setting, near to Toulouse, and even in August the weather wasn't too hot. Am I wrong??? I'd love to know!

The only thing that stumped us was that the old section of town was charming in the day but it was empty at night and it found that to be a bit odd. Where are all of the restaurants? Are there any good cafes where one can sit and people watch at night?

We're looking forward to exploring other towns and villages in the area and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Albi has a nice town centre, if a bit expensive for clothes etc, there is a terrace cafe right in the centre, where during the summer they have music and singing on thursday/friday/saturday, very pleasant way to pass an evening.  The summers, during August particularly, can be very hot.  It is a very friendly place, and we have no complaints about anyone we have had dealings with.  We are retired, and live just outside Albi in a small village called Carlus.  Toulouse is easy to get to on the motorway and by train.  The restaurants are mostly huddled into the town centre, but there are a lot in the surrounding area.  I had to take my Mum to the Accident and Emergency Unit at the local hospital, and struggle with my limited french (still learning), they were very helpful, my Mum was admitted and I have only praise for the treatment she received. Sorry to drone on, any specific questions please feel free to ask.


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Thanks so much for the information about Albi, it’s always helpful to have input from someone who actually lives in the area.

It’s comforting to know that your mother received excellent care when she was being treated at the hospital - we never know when that might come in handy! I’m also glad to know you feel there is indeed some form of nightlife in town. It’s not that we’re party animals, but it’s nice to go out every now and again. Do you know anything else about the local music offering? Do they have a symphony, or regular classical music concerts?

We stopped in the walking center downtown and were pleasantly surprised to see such a well organized center in Albi. We love walking and are looking forward to exploring more of the GR’S. Our other interests include swimming and tennis. Was the summer water ban imposed in your area? If so, were you able to fill pools and water the garden at night? We’re also curious about small charming villages just outside of Albi that offer good basic amenities. Just one last thing, are there very many foreigners living in the area?

Oh my, these seems like such boring little questions but we really would like to know more about the area before we arrive next spring.

Thanks so much,

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Thanks for the heads up about the music scene. The Gartloney Rats site gives a good idea about their music. It looks like all of them are French but I could be wrong. I wasn’t able to find anything on Nicky Lewis when I goggled but it’s a good Welsh name, and we all know that Wales is know for having beautiful voices! I’ve had a celtic harp for years, and my husband is Welsh - so you’ve given us two good bits of information. We look forward to experiencing a bit of nightlife.

Do you have any knowledge about the walking clubs, or the local walks?

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Two apoligies 1)spelling you name incorrectly 2) Not realising you are not already living there.  However, you say you like the villages outside Albi.  Trey looking at Lautrec.  The proposed road through the Tarn will make it more accessible to Toulouse and therefore (so I have been told) a good investment.  It is a hilltop bastide and is not yet in any tourist book.  It is famous for its red label garlic (the champagne of the garlic world) and holds two festivals each year.

Walking is excellent around the village and plains with many marked tracks and views to Pyrenees and Black Mountains.  http://ot.lautrec.free.fr/   It seems there are many old ruined village houses perhaps the canny owners are waiting for the increase check it out.



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Thanks for the tip about Lautrec. We haven’t been there but I did read about their garlic festival last summer. I love the idea of being near to walking trails so we will check out the town during our next visit.

Does anyone have any information about the new proposed road that Maxi mentioned? Just how “proposed” is it, meaning just a pipe dream, or actually in the works? I wonder what path it will take.

Believe me, you can’t be married to a Welshman who lives outside of his country for over 25 years and NOT know the word Hiraeth! He’s from Gorseinon, but marriage and the lust for travel took him to far off places long ago. Are you still living in Wales, or do you live full time in France? We’re delighted to know there are other wondering Welsh souls in the Tarn....

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Thanks for the tip about Lautrec. We haven’t been there but I did read about their garlic festival last summer. I love the idea of being near to walking trails so we will check out the town during our next visit.

Does anyone have any information about the new proposed road that Maxi mentioned? Just how “proposed” is it, meaning just a pipe dream, or actually in the works? I wonder what path it will take.

Believe me, you can’t be married to a Welshman who lives outside of his country for over 25 years and NOT know the word Hiraeth! He’s from Gorseinon, but marriage and the lust for travel took him to far off places long ago. Are you still living in Wales, or do you live full time in France? We’re delighted to know there are other wondering Welsh souls in the Tarn....

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We live in Soreze (right on the border with the Haute Garonne and the Aude) and have done for the past year. We used to live near St Chinian in l'Herault and, having seen the weather over the past few weeks we are very glad we moved! Several people warned us that it always rains in the Tarn but quite often when we talk to our friends who still live in l'Herault we are having much better weather - and we think the Tarn is a very beautiful departement.

Janet and David
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  • 4 months later...


There are loads of Brits in the Tarn - I have heard it called Kensingtarn!  We have a house near Realmont and are working on one near Toulouse. Do tell us a bit about yourself and your family.

Castres is a great town and I'm sure you must hear english voices at the market on a Saturday morning! I am looking for french classes in the area - have you heard of anything?

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As this thread has proved that there are people in the Tarn, might I barge in on this,

Thinking of buying in Tarn (also Aude, Ariege etc), possibly in the Montagne Noir region.

What is the weather like in this region and also in the Tarn generally.

Many thanks


PS when we were last in Albi found a superb restaurant - the food and drink was excellent and very cheap - if I remember the name I will post it on the forum.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just caught up on this thread.

We live in the Montagne Noir on the Tarn/Herault border. As for the weather well we do have weather! It can rain a lot this (the north) side of the mountains but the scenery is glorious. We get a bit of snow in winter, proper spring and autumn and good long hot summers............I love it

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