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Anyone here near St Cere...

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Hi, I'm new to the forum, looks great BTW and packed full of interesting info.

I've seen the property I want to buy, it's midway between St Cere and Rocamadour, near Gramat....

It's been on the market since at least March, possibly much longer, priced at 177000 euros...It's in need of renovation, no hot water or bathroom,  (an old farm, plus out buildings)...What would be an appropriate offer without offending the owner?

Because it needs so much work and I am not able to be there what would anyone suggest, do I need to appoint someone local, possibly English speaking to act as a project manager?

What are the French tradesmen like when it comes to getting a job done on time?

I'm hoping to perhaps move to France with my 15 year old son (16 in January), he is interested in going to university in France. Is this possible? 

Any advice would be greatly received.



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Hi Steve,

It's great that you have found a property you like - the area you have chosen is pretty.

As to what an appropriate offer would be - no one can really tell you that. You have seen the property and its condition - it may have been on the market for a long time because it is overpriced but have a look at other property prices in the area and compare. I wouldn't worry about offending the owner - if they are happy with an offer you make they will accept it, and will have no qualms about asking for more if not.

When you say renovation is it a complete renovation? It would be good to try and get some quotes from a few tradesmen just to give you an idea of the cost - these things can really escalate, especially old properties, and it's important to make sure you have enough funds. Are you buying outright or will you have a mortgage? It is probably wise to double, or even triple, the amount you think it will cost to cover every eventuality.

Are you buying the property as a second home with a view to moving in permanently in the near future? If your son wants to study in France he will need fluent french I imagine - if he doesn't have this now then he needs to get started - 16 is an awkward age to think about moving schools and countries. Perhaps after Alevels he would be able to find an english-speaking course in France? I imagine this would be in Paris or another big town though, certainly not in Gramat. Contact his school - they will doubless have informatipon for six-formers wishing to continue their studies abroad.

You could appoint a project manager and if you don't speak french then yes it would be advisable to find an english-speaking one - perhaps other members can recommend someone for you. Tradesmen in France vary from one to the other as much as in any other country, but on the whole, and from our own experiences, I would say that the work is of good quality but it is hard to find people and even harder to pin them down to a start date, let alone a completion date. If you are going for individual tradesmen then it would be sensible to have someone at this end to organise it all for you. I wouldn't want the job though!

Please choose your property carefully - old renovation jobs can be so costly (financially and emotionally) and living in a building site is just no fun. I fully recommend renting for a little while if at all possible - we learned so much in our first three months here and if you find it's not for you then it is slightly easier to change plans if you haven't bought a property.

All the best,

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The problem with old properties like this is that you dont really know what you have bought until you start tearing it apart....

We have worked on many old farm buildings and although many of them do turn up unexpected surprises I still feel that they would still be standing long after I no longer do!!!!

Hope it works out well for you...


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Hi Jane..thanks for the lengthy, helpful response and advice...

The main house is in need of renovation, but it is habitable, but with no hot water or inside loo/bathroom...At the moment I can't decide whether to just buy as a holiday home or to completely relocate.  As I am widowed perhaps I should just settle for a smaller property in a town/village and make life easier, but I had thoughts about renovating the barns to let out as Gites to keep me occupied and maybe as a future home for my son and family if/when he gets married..

My son is not fluent (yet) in the language, but he is taking it at A level next year, along with Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics...like I said he is really interested in going to university in France, he fell in love with Paris earlier this year, but I told him even somewhere like Toulouse, Lyon or Bordeaux would be wonderful places to study.... I would love him to grow up in France and build a life there.

Perhaps I should put up a post re English speaking university courses in France..Where should I post it?

Thanks for the advice about renting, maybe I might do that next year after Josh has finished his GCSE's.


Monti...thanks for your response...just had a look at your site..how big are the jobs you take on?



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