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Termite Treatment in 47

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Can anyone recommend an English speaking Termite expert that would cover southern 47 ?  We have renovated our property, and have just come across a colony in the garden, and also evidence in the house.  All our wood has been treated with a preventative/curative before going into the house, but....

We had a local registered carpenter replace the wood in the roof and ceiling.  If by chance we find them there, is he liable to redo the work?

Any advice would be gratefully received.


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Why do you need an English speaking Termite expert?  This is France and most people here speak French.  If you get an English speaker what would that achieve exactly?  I would prefer an expert who knows about wood infestations and is trustworthy rather than speaks English, but if that is important to you prepare to pay extra for the privilege.

To answer your question, unless your treated wood was guaranteed against termite infestation you will have to have it treated.  Talk to your carpenter, I assume he spoke English and ask him about what the wood was treated against.  If there is no termite protection, for beams it needs to be pressure treated,  not sprayed, then look in Pages Jaune for traitement des bois, reputable companies do free surveys without obligation and some have English speakers as well.

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Hi Ron,

Actually I am aware that I live in France, where they speak French!! I can speak Basic French, so teamed with someone who can maybe speak a little English, it may help to answer some questions that we have.

Oh and NO the carpenter didn't speak any English at all, so in future please do not presume!  I was asking the question in relation to the wood as he gave a 10 year guarantee and said it was treated.



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...........and I refer you to my response which was to ask the carpenter what it was treated against.  If it is "treated" then it would normally include termite protection.  But,  that does not cover the rest of your wood if he did not replace it all so I refer you to the second part of my response about Pages Jaunes

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