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About to move to Dept 24 near Sarlat?

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Hi all

Just want some information re the region please, like :

places to go

things to see

clubs/associations for adults and teenagers

what is the winter weather like

Does anyone know of any forums purely for the local area or Lot border?  I haven't managed to find anything yet despite lots of googling.

Many thanks, all help appreciated


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Hi Moggy and welcome. We are 20 miles north west of Sarlat and have been here three years. We spend loads of time out and about. There is so much to see that we'll need another ten years to see it all! My blog  here might give you some ideas of places and things to see. The winter weather can be quite cold at night (-12C) but the sun warms during the day, and the winter is quite short.

This forum is about one of the best on the web, and I have not yet found anything more local that is better.

You will probably find that the youngsters will make friends and find loads to do.

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I can only agree with Bob, I have yet to find anywhere better. We're in a little ton called Belves, nearer St Cyprien, but it's reallt no different. Although it does get cold in the winter, it's bareable, because it's a dry cold, not a UK damp cold!

The only specific website I have found is


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Can only agree with Bob and Steve - you make your life here what you want it to be.  If you want to hibernate and not be part of your commune, there's plenty like that around.  If you want to get involved with solely the Brit community, you can do that.  But kids at school will break the ice with French Mums and regardless of the doomsayers here, there's plenty to do in the winter if you look in the tourist places, get involved with the commune, SPEAK TO PEOPLE and you'll be surprised how quickly you get to know people here.

And, in the event of problems, there are enough people around to point you in the right direction (outside this forum), give a helping hand, dive in to help.

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For 'places to go and things to see' I think the best idea is to go into the Tourist Office in Sarlat. There are enough interesting places to keep you going for years.

My personal favourites are the gardens at Marqueyssac, for which  I usually buy a season ticket, and Les Jardins d'Eau at Carzac. Obviously it depends what your interests are.

Most of the organizastions are school or village based and generally easy to find once you're there. L'Essor Sarladais, the local weekly newspaper, will keep you up to date  on what is going on.



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[quote user="moggie"]

Thanks for all the replies, it's certainly given me something to look into.   Our first stop will be the school that our daughter will go to, as getting her settled first is the priority.



Hi Moggie and welcome! I can't add much more to what has already been said by all of the other locals except to add that you have certainly chosen a beautiful area. [:D] We don't live there permanently but hope to one day in the future. I hope you and your family settle quickly and this forum is certainly a good start, I found the information invaluable.

Please let us know how you get on particularly how your daughter settles in school. Best of luck.

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[quote user="Shelly"]


We live in the Lot. A good site is frenchentree.com it has regional forums too. We haven't been here that long so still discovering the area. It is a nice area with plenty to do in the summer. Good luck.


I used to use frenchentree, till I found this site. There is no Dordogne forum on that site anymore as it was closed down due to lack of interest about a year ago.

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What is missing in London.....one of the things ....is community spirit.

We have just come back from where we are purchasing...and I probably have spoken with half of the village and have made a friend or two.Found a sick kitten...I hope he will regain his health and have a full and happy life....with us.

It may take time to settle into country life style but London is too full ...and too full of lots of things which I have no admiration for.

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I have been here for 3 years now and feel at home.

I was on a 2 week course in London about 5 years ago, and thought that I was in a foreign country! None of us on the course went out of the hotel in the evening as we felt that it was not safe to do so.

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I visit family in London a couple of times a year and I absolutely hate it!   The noise, the mess, the litter, the people are all rude and very rarely smiling - France has its drawbacks sometimes but when I keep reminding myself of what London is like now, it doesn't seem so bad.        My mother and sister worry constantly about being broken into, they lock and double lock their doors - what a way to live eh, constantly looking over your shoulder?

I was born in London but haven't lived there for nearly 30 years, although all my family have stayed there.

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Moggie....We are off in a couple of weeks to 33 near to ST EMILLION....to live.

We live in London...on a main road!It has become crazy...so busy...so dirty...and so sad.

I am so dissapointed  in how London has become and feel sorry for those people who have not realised the extent of  the change.It is not going to be easy for us in France....we will miss our friends...although some of them have drifted off to other lands.

But we will have a beautiful garden and a happy place for furry friends....we love cats.....

good luck.

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When we moved to France we brought with us a dog and 3 cats!   We had in the past in Hampshire (where we last lived) had 5 cats either knocked down and killed instantly, or run over and injured so bad they had to be put to sleep.

I am very pleased to say that the 3 cats we brought with us are doing very well, and hopefully will continue to live a long and happy life with us - even when we move to Sarlat!  I have no doubts that had we stayed in England, I am sure that I might be telling a different story now.

Good luck with your move, you will stay in touch with good friends wherever you are.

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