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Are you anywhere near Pujols

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Good morning....we have recently purchased our property in 33 not far from St Emillion...and we are interested to hear from suppliers of local produce...anyone who has a small vineyard  which our clients can visit...or if you arrange trips.We are also happy to hear from Holistic practictioners, artists who can teach their art forms and registered painters/decorators.Also teachers of French.

We are transforming our property into a B and B ...with a pofessional kitchen...to teach cooking...our background is with restaurants in London where we developed modern and classical styles reaching 3 AA rosette level...similar to one star Michelin...but without all the frills of the samaliar in the dining room...I guese!Our facilities will be  partucular.We are kean on interior design and enjoy marrying old with new....we have a few interesting pieces!

Really looking forward to getting going and also seeing spring....looks like a frosty winter.....so get in touch and lets chat.

Happy new year everyone .....Jon

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[quote user="jon"]Also interested to discuss the possability of starting a dining club for those who are extreemly kean on cooking and like to share their ideas and productions.[/quote]

Surely a dining club is for those of us keen on eating otherwise you would join a pudding club or similar ?



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Now I am confused!Simple....my idea.....for those who like cooking for others.....lets say you are two and you would like to cook for 4/6 like minded people...in your home...and then the next time....maybe during winter when  you are "at home more often" you go to another members home.Or you could arrange a dinner where one person brings a cold starter...the host cooks mains and veg and the third party desser....maybe the 7/8 person provides cheese and petite fours.

This is an idea to get people aquainted with their neighbours...maybe gather some buisness ideas, receipes and enjoy local produce.


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Tony that I am not in 24......That is a cold reception!.I have just arrived and am interested to meet my neighbours.......Helping people with buisness is something which seems to be going on all the time on this site...websites....where to find this/that?If we have not fully retired then we need to make a little money to live on...to find ways to help others do this is harmeless. 


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But the point is Jon that people who have been here longer than you - no matter which department you live in - have already made those formal and informal contacts as you will after you have been here a while and they know who to phone, speak to, whos door to knock on.

If you wish to set yourself up as a business enabling business, contacts etc, that's fine.  But most of what you have suggested so far about dining clubs or however you wish to describe them - and if you wish to earn money from bringing people together as you apparently do, you'll have to register that element as a business - already exists, hence my comments about neighbours etc.

It's not a cold reception - you asked for advice about the idea and I responded explaining my experience. 

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Welcome to the site , You will soon get used to the odd few posters that just like to shoot most people down . Could be that they just got out off bed on the wrong side or that’s just how they are, you will soon learn to recognise them on this forum and others. soon be Spring .

And this is not my first post I have been posting for some three years or so ,but for some reason I could not log on .

All the best    And be lave it or not  you can get some good advice on this site

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[quote user="mark224"]


Welcome to the site , You will soon get used to the odd few posters that just like to shoot most people down . Could be that they just got out off bed on the wrong side or that’s just how they are, you will soon learn to recognise them on this forum and others.



Well, Mark, I've just re-read both Icenis and Tonys posts on this thread and I can see no 'shooting' down whatsoever. The OP was seeking advice on his plan and received comments based on their experiences in return.

Unless I'm missing something of course, perhaps you could enlighten me.





who were you before by the way?


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Jon, I also live in 24, and have found that there are many expats here with many different skills, the problem is that they almost all want to charge for them. I used to help people out with computers for free, but found that a favour returned was always at a cost, I no longer offer help at all. If you want to try and start something that earns you some beer money then do it and good luck to you.

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Well Bugbear


TfD wrote


Jon, I think you'll find that many people already do that - down this part of 24 we call them friends and neighbours and there's quite a healthy dining club thing going on already.

We also manage to organise it all ourselves without the intervention of a business.

Where in OPs fist three posts did he/she say that he/she was gong to make a business out of  or involve the business he was about to set up in the Dining club ?.


OP wrote

Good morning....we have recently purchased our property in 33 not far from St Emillion...and we are interested to hear from suppliers of local produce...anyone who has a small vineyard  which our clients can visit...or if you arrange trips.We are also happy to hear from Holistic practictioners, artists who can teach their art forms and registered painters/decorators.Also teachers of French


There may be many people that would welcome some additional income that may generated from the OP new business



Tfd wrote

But the point is Jon that people who have been here longer than you - no matter which department you live in - have already made those formal and informal contacts as you will after you have been here a while and they know who to phone, speak to, whos door to knock on.

That Was a bitter cold replay that was not needed or was of any help .That’s something that OP already  knows .


TfD wrote


But most of what you have suggested so far about dining clubs or however you wish to describe them - and if you wish to earn money from bringing people together as you apparently do, you'll have to register that element as a business - already exists, hence my comments about neighbours etc.


Come on read the fist three posts Of the OP and then read the fourth


And maybe TfD should read the posts as they where meant Not as he thought he meant

But then who am I to tell the Researcher .


The OP was just introducing him/her self

Then asking if we knew of any one that may like some additional business

Then finally trying A different way  to meet   people 


Bugbear wrote

The OP was seeking advice on his plan and received comments based on their experiences in return.


It must have been the experience of not reading a post properly sorry that one just slipped right by me[;-)]




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[quote user="mark224"]


Welcome to the site , You will soon get used to the odd few posters that just like to shoot most people down . Could be that they just got out off bed on the wrong side or that’s just how they are, you will soon learn to recognise them on this forum and others. soon be Spring .

And this is not my first post I have been posting for some three years or so ,but for some reason I could not log on .

All the best    And be lave it or not  you can get some good advice on this site


Call it a baptism of fire - most newbies get one.  When you get to 4,365 posts and are an accepted member of the 'in crowd' things settle down a whole lot more and people can be quite nice [;-)]....but for heavens sake don't try and do intelligent or intellectual or you'll be dead meat [Www]

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Ok lets start again.

Yes I am creating my bed and breakfast and looking for artist/REFLEXOLOGISTS ETC........

And , obviously going to set-up a web site.

I am not looking for something for nothing!Through my life I have paid for everything.....and paid well!The winter chill is taking you over?

Starting again.....I have arrived here a few weeks ago after living my life in London.

Remember back to whenever it was when you all came here...surely was not easy!You must have left your friends behind.....and family.UK ...well I could write a book . London.....It is sad to see how it has become.It was a place which filled me with excitement and there was  new adventure every day.For the past few years I had lived through its changes and became disenchanted.I had really bad exspereiences with the NHS and dealt with the reality of their attitude to life itself.The only survivers in London will...eventually  be the rich and the dangerous.

I am niether!I am a person who enjoys the company of  other people who have a sense of adventure and want to share their thoughts, asperations and their interests.

Hopefully I have moved away from grumpy city where money is the only interest to... a place where life really exists.I love animals especially cats...and catless at the moment untill the building work is over?Maybe I will not wait.

As., I have stated been here a few weeks and interested to meet people.....talk to people who want to talk ...especially thoose who really enjoy cooking and are near by and therefore the Dining Club......not a money making project... a social activity.

Been here for a matter of weeks and have  enjojoyed a visit from close friends in London who loved the coutryside and have spent  many days with our friends from the coast.So I am not an abandoned moggie looking for help.So if your hearts are filled with the wrong ideas I am sorry but you are not going to make me feel.

2008 is about happiness !



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Ok lets start again.

Yes I am creating my bed and breakfast and looking for artist/REFLEXOLOGISTS ETC........

And , obviously going to set-up a web site.

I am not looking for something for nothing!Through my life I have paid for everything.....and paid well!The winter chill is taking you over?

Starting again.....I have arrived here a few weeks ago after living my life in London.

Remember back to whenever it was when you all came here...surely was not easy!You must have left your friends behind.....and family.UK ...well I could write a book . London.....It is sad to see how it has become.It was a place which filled me with excitement and there was  new adventure every day.For the past few years I had lived through its changes and became disenchanted.I had really bad exspereiences with the NHS and dealt with the reality of their attitude to life itself.The only survivers in London will...eventually  be the rich and the dangerous.

I am niether!I am a person who enjoys the company of  other people who have a sense of adventure and want to share their thoughts, asperations and their interests.

Hopefully I have moved away from grumpy city where money is the only interest to... a place where life really exists.I love animals especially cats...and catless at the moment untill the building work is over?Maybe I will not wait.

As., I have stated been here a few weeks and interested to meet people.....talk to people who want to talk ...especially thoose who really enjoy cooking and are near by and therefore the Dining Club......not a money making project... a social activity.

Been here for a matter of weeks and have  enjojoyed a visit from close friends in London who loved the coutryside and have spent  many days with our friends from the coast.So I am not an abandoned moggie looking for help.So if your hearts are filled with the wrong ideas I am sorry but you are not going to make me feel SAD

2008 is about happiness !



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I think maybe the term Dining Club was the problem - we used to call this a 'moveable feast' - sometimes we would move ourselves to other folks homes for different courses but more likely we would take prepared food to anothers home, one person brought starters , another the main course, the next desert etc.

Sometimes we had themed evenings, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek - it was a bit of fun although it strikes me as slightly 'Margo Leadbetter' looking back..........

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I think the reason you may have been given a bit of a hard time is that your opening post seems very self promotional. After that anything else you posted about dining clubs etc got regular members looking for the self interest (your) angle.

I don't know why (and I've been quick enough in the past) but self promotion of one's self or a surreptious bit of advertising is always jumped on.

I don't know who mark224 is or was but his posting looked as if you'd got your mate to come in and piece by piece take another poster's reply apart.

Try not to take it personally. [:D]

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What do you mean by self promotion?
If I came in with a story that mentions my previous life as a chimney sweep who lived in Limehouse would you be happier...all of you. I have told you where I came from....perhaps lies would more suitable?

I do not understand some of the codes OP etc.

I take most things personally if they are directed at me...I am human.


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