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where do singles meet ?

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Hello Euro

Sorry dont know about your area but in the past I have made friends through work, night classes, by doing volentary work, joining walking clubs and an organic gardening club, and also on here, recently I have met 3 other members of this forum who live close to my house in france who im sure are going to be friends of the future.

Remember to find a friend you have to be a friend [:)] good luck to you    

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  • 2 weeks later...
You'd better not be including me in that terrible triumvirate of yours Pads: friends are for the weak, the weak I say!!

Euro, why not introduce yourself here and we can pick at you... I mean try and see if there's some advice we can offer that might suit your individual needs. [:D]

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Have we met Bones ?[8-)] No I dont think so............[blink]

Last time I was out there I met 3 well known members of this forum for lunch, it was a loverly day, would you like to come next time Im out there? we meet at the cafe felix on the square. More the merrier[:)]


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Did you not notice the rustling behind the potted Palm to your left?


Seriously Pads, I didn't realise you meant literally met; how thick am I?

So there you go Euro, Pads has shown you the way. [:D]

Can I ask do you live in a village or the big city? Makes a huge difference I feel.

If by 'single' you mean 'lookin for love' then a small village can be the quickest route to 'coupling'.

Folk will just throw you together!

I suppose in any case you need to put yourself about a bit. The village café being your first and most fruitful stop, everything goes through there.

Pads advice about joining groups seems common sense too, there are all kinds of associations out there, in fact the French seem to have one for every imaginable endeavour.

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Hi ,

yes i too live in a small rural village ,probably much quieter than most in fact apart from the odd lotto night etc !

i take your point that this may actually be an advantage that i hadnt considered compared to a busy city or large town full of people.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Just in case you weren't aware the internet dating sites like dating direct allow you to have a french location and search for people in your locality. If you are youngish then the local french free papers have lonely hearts ads too. Otherwise again if you are youngish all the traditional things like sporting clubs etc. But I quite agree that when I lived in an isolated rural hamlet  there was nobody to meet. If you have ever read Michael Wright's column in the Telegraph and his book La Folie the stories about his attempts at interesting local french beauties in his charms are very amuzing. Try the French Entree web site as it has details of locally based social clubs for the anglo french at least its a start. You have to delve a bit on the site under the appropriate region to find the clubs.
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