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And now CSG is likely to go up 2-4%


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The demon CSG tax (the one that the Government is talking about adding to rents and sales of houses owned by non-residents, but which is  in any case paid by residents) is likely to go up.

The amount of the rise will depend on whether the predictions of growth in the economy are seen to be on track or if they are seen to be too optimistic


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I think its a pretty safe bet to assume the economy will not grow and that they are being  way over optimistic.

It looks like Hollande's only so called success the European stability Mechanism is also collapsing. The Germans have held the whole thing up possibly for several months in their Constitutional court. The Finns and Dutch are now threatening to veto any payments and are demanding collateral, with the Finns threatening to leave the Euro area entirely. Enterprise is a bad concept in the eyes of the left in France and needs to be taxed as do all the greedy people with second homes. So where will growth from, lets hope the functionaries can afford all the new French cars..

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     In his "address to the nation" yesterday , Hollande said that raising the CSG is only one possible method being considered,, for what it's worth (Not much I suspect) he also said that any increased contributions would not impact the "moyenne classe".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not much to be cheery about amongst this lot [:(]


You have to click through the 13 images to read the piece, my apologies, i think its a crummy way to present news.

The bit about the 15% tax on non residents selling biens in France I dont quiet get, does goods include property?

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[quote user="Chancer"]The bit about the 15% tax on non residents selling biens in France I dont quiet get, does goods include property?[/quote]

Yes, it concerns the imposition of CSG and CRDS on profits (after reductions dependent on the length of ownership) resulting from sales of property in France by non-residents.

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[quote user="idun"]And, has my memory served me properly that there was going to be a sort of freeze on rents too, so that the owner can't just bang the rent up to help towards these taxes.[/quote]

There is a projected decree which will limit residential rental increases on renewals or re-lettings to that allowed by the increase in the indice de référence des loyers (IRL), in 43 agglos. There are other measures which concern tiny - and I mean miniscule - "apartments" in Paris.

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