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English speaking Catholic priest in Dept 17

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We are catholic and settling very well into our new build in Dept 17 where we are integrating slowly into the local community and catholic church. We are attending french lessons and making "good" progress but our french is not good enough to go to a penitential service with our french priest and we really do not want to have to go back to the UK for this.

Does anybody know of an english speaking priest in or near to our area?

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I can't help spcifically, being a heathen myself, but I do come from a large catholic family.  My cousin, Christopher Basden, has lots of contacts in France (and all over the world for that matter) and I reckon this is true for many priests.  You can visit his parish's website:


and ask him if he knows of anybody in your area, or as Anton suggests, ask around locally, or maybe even ask your former priest in the UK?

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Thanks cooperola and everyone else for their comments.

I have emailed your cousin cooperola also we shall be asking around locally. In fact if we had thought about it a bit more before putting pen to paper, as it were, we might well have come up with some of the very sensible suggestions my post received and saved you all a bit of time.

But  not once did anybody suggest that my post was a waste of time so I thank you for your forbearance as well as your comments.

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