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Pix of shot deer

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Did anyone read the Campagnes 47 issue for June ?

Page 25...REVOLTING, Disturbing, disgusting, upsetting photo of a hunter - with a dead foal/young deer.

The picture is of this 'macho' man, in camouflage/khaki outfit, holding bow and arrow in one hand, crouched next to the body of a young foal/deer and holding up the head of this shot animal in his other hand - I find is just so repugnant. 

To add insult to injury the hunters have even stuck a piece of green fern in the poor animal's mouth.

How can anyone shoot such a lovely animal, with a bow and arrow - and then have a photo taken.

I hate the French hunters and I hate the way the French farmers have decimated the country-side.

But to find such an offensive picture in a state/department funded magazine is extremely upsetting.

And why on earth would someone take such a pride in shooting Bambi ??

Or is it just me ?

Regards - Chessie

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I'm a keen archer but for me and every archer I know, we only shoot at straw targets, I would never ever consider shooting an animal, not even a rat.

As far as I know (and I stand to be corrected in this) hunting with a bow and arrow is illegal in the whole of Europe, and this includes shooting fish with a bow and arrow.  It is possible to buy hunting equipment though (eg broadhead arrow tips) so I imagine it does go on.


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"As far as I know (and I stand to be corrected in this) hunting with

a bow and arrow is illegal in the whole of Europe, and this includes

shooting fish with a bow and arrow.  It is possible to buy hunting

equipment though (eg broadhead arrow tips) so I imagine it does go on."

Obviously not, because according to the text it was legalised in France in 1995.[:(]


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Thank you for that, I honestly thought it was banned and I am more than a little saddened by this.

From my knowledge of arrows and what I have read on American hunting websites (where bowhunting is very big apparently) the whole act is inexcuseable.  A hunting arrow has a 'broadhead' tip.  Think of 3 or 4 stanley knife blades coming to a point and forming a barb at the other end.  The bows used are (usually) compound bows of around 60lbs peak draw which shoots the arrow at around 300fps (sorry about the Imperial measure but that's how archery is specified the world over).

If you hit say a rabbit, the effect would be a quick kill I imagine but the terrible thing in shooting a deer or bigger, is that you aim for just behind the front legs.  An immediate kill is possible but usually the animal runs off with the arrow inside it, cutting the heart and lungs untill it dies of internal bleeding, this may of course be a short time.....or not.

Now I'm a reasonably good Club shooter but whereas at say 50 metres I would expect to hit gold at least 5 times out of 6, the likelyhood only wounding an animal is very high. No, this really is disgraceful.


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Gosub - it seems you have read the article - and understand it (which is more than I could do).

So we really have a situation in France where the hunters can chase down - and shoot with a bow and arrow - an animal as large as a deer - and a beautiful Bambi at that - and it is LEGAL  ?

Think of the pain and distress of a large animal being shot in this way - what are the French up to ?   I think it's wicked, evil, barbaric, cruel and disgusting.

And it's allowed.  I thought the French considered themselves far superior to the rest of us....well they are NOT - they totally disgust me.

I wish now I had posted this on the Wildlife section - but didn't because it referred to a specific publication for Department 47.

I would have put it in 'Wildlife' - but wasn't sure how a scanned copy of the picture/article could be transferred across to this forum.  It was a picture/article that should have had more attention.

 But I would have liked comments from chrisspp on this.

Regards - Chessie

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  • 1 month later...

I've only just seen this thread and there is little that I can say - it is what it is and this is the France that apparently everyone loves so much. A Country that has the poorest record in the EU for protecting wildlife and habitats. A Country that still allows types of hunting for Skylarks and other small bird species on the basis that it is "traditional". Methods such as Mist nets, Glue traps and Tendelle traps. A Country that uses more chemicals on its land than any other in the EU....

but that's all part of its quaint charm.......isn't it?


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I have read this article before and decided not to reply to it until i read what chessie wrote.

I don't necessarily agree with the article or disagree but i have some knowledge if it and what it entails.

As you read this please do not take this as being of my opinion, this is just a few facts that most posters will still disagree with but are facts none the less.

The bow hunting has taken off big style in Europe mainly because of the interest from America and S Africa.

So we really have a situation in France where the hunters can chase

down - and shoot with a bow and arrow - an animal as large as a deer

The actual technique is sitting motionless in a tree or hide and wait or call the animal to you, then usually within a range of 30/40 metres the shot is taken and most animals run off, albeit for a distance of 50 metres or less. The shooter must prove his /her ability using the bow as he /she would with a rifle at the distance chosen and prove to be accurate. They are not chased down, if the animal is spooked then there is little or no chance of you even reacting to fact it has seen you far less chase it to have a shot.

They are not all called Bambi, they are quite simply game and occasionally classed as Vermin.

Think of the pain and distress of a large animal being shot in this way -

 i do think that there will be a certain amount of pain and distress, certainly more than if it were to be shot.

Love it or hate it, hunting, in all its forms, is a part of life here and in other countries.

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Thanks Chris and Sharkhunter (!! ?) for your very informative comments.   (Chris - I did send a copy of the original article to your office  by snail-post because when I tried to scan and send it wouldn't work......thanks very much for 'picking up' this subject).

Doesn't matter the 'technique' the hunters use  -  it is still a very large animal being shot with a strongbow.

And you can classify any animal in any way   - but it is STILL  BAMBI - being hunted, and shot with arrows.

And thanks for the extra info Chris about birds  -  I am so appalled and horrified at what the French do to their animals, their country-side and their wild-life.

And NO - I do NOT love the 'quaint' French ways....I HATE the 'quaint' French ways.

Why are the French allowed to get away with so much animal cruelty when it would not be tolerated in the UK - or any other civilised country.  

After all we stopped throwing Christians to the Lions didn't we ?   We stopped bear baiting didn't we ?   We stopped drowning and burning witches didn't we ?   Badger baiting, hare coursing is illegal in the UK;  fox-hunting is semi-illegal - but some kind of progress was being made.

And the French are still killing the skylarks.......it just makes you want to weep.

The French think they're so b----y superior with their 'traditions', and their 'culture', and their 'cuisine'....

Sorry but I don't think so.


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Fortunately using bows is not widespread at all.

Chessie, I understand you're angry, but  don't jump to conclusions, there are animal lovers in France.!!

I think Spain has the western european record for cruelty.. Corridas, and  those poor  dogs, calgos , killed with extreme cruelty..

Things will change hopefully....



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I heard that hunting Biche had been suspended for a year next door in 82 or 31, there are signs up in the countryside saying that they have a 'holiday'.

I don't know if it is true, and I havnt seen any signs in 32 (Gers). Apparently it was due to over hunting.

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I take it that all you vegetarians have considered that no matter how cruel you think it is, its the reason were are all here today our ancestors couldn't pop down to the local Carrefour for a piece of meat for the Sunday roast.

Which brings me to my second point - A wild animal has by far a better life than a caged up PIG or CHICKEN or any animal reared solely for its meat.

So think about that the next time your in the supermarket.

I say fair play to them, because I believe their skills will be need again someday maybe not today maybe not tomorrow...

Not trying to be overly negative here but with climate change asteroids and war its not beyond reason our cushy lifestyle could become more primitive, then we'll be glad they kept our ancient skills.
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quote    And NO - I do NOT love the 'quaint' French ways....I HATE the 'quaint' French ways.

The French think they're so b----y superior with their 'traditions', and their 'culture', and their 'cuisine'....

Sorry but I don't think so.   quote



Why did you actually come to France? If you HATE the quaint French ways why don't you move on? By the way.........French cuisine is FAR superior to British cuisine overall and the average 'housewife here would put MANY a professional chef to shame in UK.



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.......French cuisine is FAR superior to British cuisine overall and the average 'housewife here would put MANY a professional chef to shame in UK.......

Please send a few housewifes to the Vendee coast to teach the chefs here..Their tourist fodder is more like school dinners
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