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Bergerac Airport parking

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Sorry if I'm pouring petrol on the fire but I think the parking charges at Bergerac are really cheap.  I'm currently thinking of renegotiating my contract to work Thurs / Fri (wk1) then Mon / Tues (wk2) etc so I can spend more time here. I would be very happy to leave my car parked at Bergerac at those prices!

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I like your idea too Chessie = must be some enterprising Brit nearby who could do with an extra few Euros or quid  especially these days. Could be a nice little cash in the hand business, pity I am not nearer as it is appealing. Anyone know anyone who would be interested? 3 to 5 people a week and got to be worth at least 25 euros so easily knock up 100 a week and very handy in the economic climate and terrible interest rates


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well well well, surprised that a few words has put people on top of their soap boxes and now preaching about illigal and illicit activity. I take those comments as being illicit accusations that I am inciting somebody or anybody do do wrong, Did I say anything about not declaring any such earnings, does cash in hand mean not to pay or declare tax - NO what it means it is cash, not credit cards, cheques or on account, and could be a nice little business with little risk as well as meeting a lot of other Brits (that is if you want too).

Got some reactions and pretty fast too so good to see there is life and it is active out there, just lighten up a bit please

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think you are missing the point - anyway I will bite my tongue as I do think it is being petty when one is just trying to stimulate an enterprise that could be useful to quite a few people - no doubt you do not have the problem yourself about flights and parking
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well if the French are the same as here it is up to the tax payer to prove otherwise - a one sided affair and more often than not it is easier, cheaper and less stress to swallow and pay up. It always pays to keep proper accounts.

Anyway there has got to be someone enterprising to start a park and ride legit business

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Dooh....oh dear, oh dear.

Now look you lot;   you are all obviously very bright - but very Bored - entrepreneurs, budding Richard Bransons who want to have a go at The Apprentice or enter The Dragon's Den.  

What started off as a simple idea to store 1 car on a bit of spare ground - you flippin' lot have galloped away with the idea and turned it into a multi-storey car-park, with park-and-ride and goodness knows what else to become millionaires - and then someone comes along and mentions 'cash in hand'....and we then - oh Lordy - we get the 'breaking the law' brigade on here.

For heavens sake the lot of you - just stop it  !!!!

One car, one spare piece of ground - an elderly retired UK ex-Pat couple whose income is BELOW any tax threshold and who might like like a few extra Euros each year - now that does not justify the wrath of the 'you must tell the tax people' brigade....And it doesn't even have to be retired exPats; I should imagine retired French couple might also appreciate a few extra Euros as well - and the 'below tax threshold' could equally apply to them.   We are NOT all rich and pay sqillions in tax every year you know.  Some of us don't qualify for that perk  !!

And to Mogs - Now Look at What You Started !!!   - but best of luck - I'd try asking around or advertising;   if we lived nearer Bergerac I'd be very happy to help - would even put on my chauffeur uniform and ferry you and collect you.   Hope you find someone who can help.

And best of luck with your two-way lifestyle - but possibly the best of both worlds !!!

Regards - Chessie

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  • 8 months later...

I was looking to park somewhere for free near bergerac airport.

Looking around by the airport their are houses but far away also a citie(council houses).

I will be going for 14 days so like last time i will pay.

I also go from biarritz airport and i park my car in a street not far a way for free.

Also because i live near bordeaux i just get some to drop me off at the airport in bordeaux..

Not a bad site

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