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Bergerac Airport parking

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At Bergerac Airport, I've looked at the parking charges, and wondered if there is any parking available near enough to the airport that is cheaper, or even better free?

We will be needing to park the car for 2 weeks every month and it will work out quite expensive this way.

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Not within easy walking distance Mogs, there may be somewhere in the town centre - I suppose that at a push you could leave your car on one of the supermarket car parks in the area which are free but you would have no idea of the security there and eventually the owners may get fed up with it.

I think the long-term charges at Bergerac are quite reasonable tho for half the year they'll certainly rack up - whatever you do, don't park the car at the airport long-term anywhere other than where it should be to save money, the current policy there is to block cars with large stones and let all their tyres down if they're in the wrong place.

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You need to do the sums of course but depending on distance and other factors it may be more cost effective for you to see if you can find someone to drop you off and collect you.

Thought: At the barrier into the car park you press the button you get a new ticket. It might occur to some blessed with powers of lateral thinking that perhaps you don't actually have to drive in with a car at this point.

I will say no more [6]

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Two or three years ago I read something in one of the local papers about a couple who were going to start a sort of park and ride service at the airport.

I remember thinking at the time that it would probably fall foul of French regulations, or perhaps there just wasn't enough custom to make it viable. I've certainly heard nothing more about it.

Can anyone else remember anything about this ?

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"Not within easy walking distance Mogs, there may be somewhere in the town centre -"

I wouldn't advise leaving a car more than 7 days in one spot.

It counts as ' stationnement abusif'

"Article R417-12


est interdit de laisser abusivement un véhicule en stationnement sur une



considéré comme abusif le stationnement ininterrompu d'un

véhicule en un même point de la voie publique ou de ses

dépendances, pendant une durée excédant sept jours ou

pendant une durée inférieure mais excédant celle qui est

fixée par arrêté de l'autorité investie du pouvoir

de police.


and you can be fined or have the car towed away to the pound.

Don't forget alse that in many towns there is alternate side parking, so if you aren't there to change side you could have a problem.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

You need to do the sums of course but depending on distance and other factors it may be more cost effective for you to see if you can find someone to drop you off and collect you.

Thought: At the barrier into the car park you press the button you get a new ticket. It might occur to some blessed with powers of lateral thinking that perhaps you don't actually have to drive in with a car at this point.

I will say no more [6]


Ernie, please say more! I am severely laterally challenged at this point and have no idea how your suggestion could be useful. Am I just being very dumb?


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So now we're pretending not to give advice to people on how to circumvent the regulations on car parking at Bergerac?

If you can't find anywhere else and don't want to pay the fee, the answer would seem to be get a lift there and back, otherwise other car park users would be subsidising all the people who are fiddling (though we're not really are we, we're just 'thinking laterally') and we wouldn't want to be seen to be doing that, would we?

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The barriers have sensors like traffic lights and the ticket issuing mechanism cannot be activated by a person walking up and pushing the buttons, this stops kids emptying the machines of tickets  (and tight arses attempting to save a couple of euros) when there is no car at the barrier.

Makes me laugh at all the outrage previously posted about the UK freeloaders with untaxed, uninsured, no MOT cars parked at this airport taking up the spaces when it was free and now members of the Brit community (not the OP) are advocating ways not to pay the amount due for their parking, by fiddling the the system put in to improve facilities, make spaces available and pay for security.

 Why not go to Le Clerc and weigh your fruit and veg then take half out and weigh it again to get a different ticket, save yourself another couple of euros there as well.  Is that any more dishonest than not paying for a service provided at a car park?

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And please forgive me too.  I have edited my post to remove the part that so incensed a couple of people.

In my defence I will only say that I use Bergerac Airport regularly, but would never, ever leave a car park without paying.  But then I don't own a car (bit of a "greenie", prefer public transport, my pushbike or Shank's pony) so the situation would never arise.


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I apologise that my original question seems to have sparked a riot.

30 euros a month is quite a lot of money to us,that is on top of the petrol to get there and back, plus air ticket to fly and no, its not for flitting back to a second home, we don't have a second home in UK, our home is in France.   The purpose is for going to work on a shift pattern of 2 weeks working, 2 weeks home.   But, if it has to be paid then it has to be paid, I was just wondering originally if there were any cheaper options for the belief that it's better in our pocket than theirs.   Sorry if that upsets people.

Given the choice we'd prefer to work in France, but you all know how difficult that one can be.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]Why not go to Le Clerc and weigh your fruit and veg then take half out and weigh it again to get a different ticket, save yourself another couple of euros there as well ?[/quote]Careful Ron, you might be accused of "advocating ways not to pay the amount due for their parking (fruit & veg), by fiddling the the system" [Www]


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[quote user="mogs"]

 I was just wondering originally if there were any cheaper options for the belief that it's better in our pocket than theirs.   Sorry if that upsets people.

Given the choice we'd prefer to work in France, but you all know how difficult that one can be.


Mogs, I think it was made clear, at least by me in any case,  that the "suggestions to save money" by dishonest means were not aimed at you or in fact helpful to you at all.

You could of course at the end of March look at going to Rodez, depends on your location but parking may well not be free now there either.


As the moderators seem incapable of ensuring that quotes are not edited to be taken out of context, the complete sentences that were edited to form the inaccurate quote used by Ernie were as follows:

Makes me laugh at all the outrage previously posted about the UK freeloaders with untaxed, uninsured, no MOT cars parked at this airport taking up the spaces when it was free and now members of the Brit community (not the OP) are advocating ways not to pay the amount due for their parking, by fiddling the the system put in to improve facilities, make spaces available and pay for security. 

Why not go to Le Clerc and weigh your fruit and veg then take half out and weigh it again to get a different ticket, save yourself another couple of euros there as well.  Is that any more dishonest than not paying for a service provided at a car park?"

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  • 1 year later...


actually I do not think that 20 - 30 euros for 2 weeks is quite cheap - costs that per day in the UK.

However, having read this forum I am pleased to find out about the charges as I have been using Bordeaux airport as it is slightly neaer me. I am also thinking of commuting 2 weeks France and 2 weeks UK as I cannot afford to retire.  But I am concerned about leaving a car a lot of times as someone is going to notice and it is sure to get vadalised or stolen.

Sounds to me if a few other people are going back and forth a lot that one could arrange a list of people wishing to participate in giving a lift to each other - anyone else interested?


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Well done kenm -

Now that is what's called 'lateral thinking'   -  I did wonder if someone was going to suggest this.  

Another alternative - in the Bergerac area there are lots of houses/farmhouses with large grounds, parking areas, barns for storage etc..  

In the UK people are earning a few extra squids by letting their garage for storage, or even the space on their drive for parking during the day.

Maybe someone with a lot of space, reasonably close to the airport, wouldn't mind 'storing' your car in return for payment - and then a quick taxi trip to the airport - might be a way round the problem and possibly halve the financial costs of airport car-parking.......

Best of luck


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I'm sure that I recall someone tried setting up a little business near Bergerac Airport which offered parking and a shuttle service. I don't think it lasted long. That was before the proper car park was installed though. Maybe someone else can remember what happened to it ?

I suppose if you could find someone to make a private arrangement with it would be a different matter.  


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