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Christine's Camino de Santiago Challenge for Phoenix, 2014

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Christine’s Camino de Santiago Challenge for Phoenix, 2014.

..…one woman and her dog, fundraising for Phoenix. 

Christine Endres, Phoenix Membership Secretary, sets off THIS Sunday, 4th May! Christine is challenging herself to cycle from St Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela and back again. This is a total of 1600km.

Christine won’t be travelling alone, however. She will be accompanied by her Phoenix rescue Ellie (one of our Phoenix Forever Friends) who will be travelling in style in her special DoggyRide trailer.

The DoggyRide, when fully laden, weighs 55kg, plus the two panniers fitted to her bike, so Christine will be pulling quite a heavy load, which, especially in the Pyrenees, will be a challenge indeed!

Christine and Ellie will have to camp as dogs are not welcome to stay in the Pilgrim "Albergues". However, many have gardens where she is hoping to pitch camp for the night.

Together, they hope to raise €3000 for Phoenix, in order that we can help more animals like Ellie, who herself used to be one of the many unloved and abandoned dogs in France.

You can follow the fearsome duo's progress via their blog: http://christinespilgrimage.blogspot.fr/p/home.html

You can sponsor Christine and Ellie via their special page on our website: http://phoenixasso.com/?p=5919

Please sponsor Christine and Ellie generously. We would love for them to reach their target of raising €3000 for animals in need.

Good luck to Christine & Ellie!

Thank you, 

The Phoenix Team
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