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Trailer available for Rent near Toulouse?

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I have recently moved in to the area in a small village south of Toulouse called Le Trein dÚstou. I want to rent a large trailer so that I can return to UK to collect items of furniture that i have there and bring back to France. Does anyone know of good place to rent such trailer from? I would think a large enclosed trailer would be my first choice but if not large enough then an open flat trailer and I would cover and rope the cargo in.

Any advice please.

Thank you and best regards

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Google turns up 3 companies near Toulouse [url]https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=location+remorque+toulouse&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8[/url]

I don't know if you are aware, but French trailers over 500 Kg laden have to be separately registered and insured, which means the rental company/insurance company has to accept you as the driver.

If you have a licence only for vehicles <3500 Kg and the trailer is over 750 Kg laden, its laden mass  must be less than that of the car, and the total licenced (not actual) laden weights of the car and trailer must be less than 3500 Kg.

If you still have a UK licence you should check that the rental company will accept it if you want a trailer over 500 Kg.

It may well be cheaper to buy a suitable trailer in the UK, but this would need to be correctly plated and homologated if you wished to eventually register it here.

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Trailers of the sort you're after are not common in France because the average French driver cannot tow them.

If your car is on UK plates I would rate your chances of finding somebody willing to rent you what you want as slim to none, the more so if you told them you were taking it out of the country.

If you did manage to find one you would have to change the number plate on the ferry.

Ultimately you'd probably be better off hiring a van.

All that said it so happens that I have a Wessex WVT105 box van in my barn (~8m3) which could be for sale. Not really interested in hiring it out.

PM me if interested.

I have all the paperwork to French register it but never got around to it.

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And if you do buy Ano's van, and it's in the near future, I have a desk and chair for collection near Toulouse.

If you'd like to pick those up and deliver them to me on your way north to the UK to collect your stuff, I will pay you a generous sum for your trouble.

PM if interested, even if you DON'T buy Ano's van but could collect my things?

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Well thank you to everyone that has responded with some very helpful details and advice! It is refreshing in todays age that there are so many people willing to help a stranger.

So very interesting and complicated advice about trailer weights and allowances....I can see that it is a UK drivers nightmare to tow a trailer! The trailer that I was interested in from the earlier link is a 3500Kgs MGW but i would not be loading it up that much, my car as about 2500Kgs at a guess and the items of furniture probably couldn't weigh in any more than 1000Kgs max.

Regarding Ano offer to buy his van, thank you but I don't think that would be the most cost efficient solution for my situation as it will be a one off event. If the trailer is a no-go due to French road regulations then as suggested I will rent a van for 5-6 days from Toulouse area.

@Mint regarding your request, it is very possible and likely that I can assist you, but I just don't know exactly when. Definitely i will be travelling with an empty trailer or van from Toulouse to UK. But more likely to be in the Spring now I think. You can PM me your contact details (e-mail) and we can discuss further the pick-up point and the drop of point in UK.

In fact I think it would be great if there were a Sticky thread with people listing any journeys that they are planning to and fro the UK and possible options of shared spaces and shared costs. Sounds a potentially good idea subject to limited liabilities etc.

Thank you once again to all that have responded.

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What a good suggestion of yours re listing journeys, etc.

BTW, if you do decide to have someone carry your stuff for you, you could try a site like anyvan.com.  You'd be surprised sometimes at how cheaply it could all be done.  There is another similar "auction" site that I have used in the past but I can't remember what it's called[:$]

I will find out when the desk and chair are available and, if it seems do-able, I will certainly email you.  I don't need them taking as far as the UK, only to where I live in the Dordogne and I am virtually on the main D708 towards Angouleme.


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