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Dordogne - heaven or hell?

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I would say it's neither. It has its positives and negatives a..however it's untrue to say it's full of retirees. I know just as many working people. It's also not just British people that live there.. We have German, Dutch, Irish, Danish, American and Canadian friends..as well as French.
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Of course, the Dordogne is a large department and I must admit that I haven't visited other areas within the departement other than my own[:-))]

To be honest, I haven't had much opportunity.  Domestic problems, health problems in the past, etc and TBH, also sheer laziness and contentment .............

I am retired so I do have lots of time to do the things I enjoy.  As a keen walker, the countryside round about me is ideal, très dénivelé as the French would say.  Us "real" walkers, as opposed to strollers and ramblers, like the challenge of going up and down, up and down all day!

I like my little village enormously and we have a good relationship with a good many of the inhabitants.  We are one of 2 British couples and I think there might be a couple more families a little way out but I don't know them by name or even by sight, not even the other anglais who are only a few streets away.

This October, I am taking part in la ronde des villages so I will be walking in some of the more touristic areas of the Dordogne, maybe nearer Eymet which ALBF speaks so highly of.  I am looking forward to it a lot as it's a weekend away with French walking friends.

Then perhaps another weekend to the Arcachon area, though that's Gironde, to walk and do some kayaking and, above all, to see migratory birds.

Depends on your interests, I'd say.  For me, I am not a "proper" country person, having never lived in the countryside so I love my area, as it's riddled with villages and you can literally easily walk circuits covering 2 or 3 villages in a couple of hours.

All the prettiness of the countryside without the isolation of winter and the inconvenience of living in the middle of nowhere.

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  • 1 month later...
i lived in the Dordogne Payzac24270 beautiful place very rural, i did not like it at all, for all its beauty i found it hard to integrate the area has a high population of Brits all P&O builders, i met some nice French but the Farmers surrounding my property were not at all friendly.

I moved to the Lot Et Garonne  beautiful place much warmer than the Dordogne and has french and British everyone is more welcoming and i have thrown myself into the town life. Although there are British they are not trying to impose there way on to the Area, no cricket team?  Everything is much more accessible Toulouse and Bordeaux are only a hour away and you can drive round the L7G in a day.

highly recommended,

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We did a road trip to the Dordogne to see what all the fuss was about.

Started in Bordeaux (we were both were very disappointed with Bordeaux....don't see the point) and went East towards Sarlet. Even more disappointed. Was expecting more to be fair. I understand why expats are attracted there, but not in the numbers that they do. The Lemming effect methinks.

Headed north towards Brantome, and Nontron, Anglouleme and then the back roads home to Tours.

I would say (apart from Tours) Périgord vert (in terms of countryside) was the best. It was very nice indeed. Have no idea what it is like to live there mind you....but I might go back to annoy Mint.

My Sister in law (French) and husband love the Dordogne and spend their holidays there. But they are working class. lol.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]But you tryin to stir ordure, naughty!

Time to read bedtime story to daughters.

No can do, Wools, as he can't read?  Hasn't he said that he was dyslexic?

Don't worry, FBLA, no one is going to make you read anything[:)]

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There will always be some that will take offence.

I don't like a lot of the "humour" of many so-called alternative comedians but then I don't watch their programmes.

Who is it who said that free speech is having the right to offend?  Brain's dead this morning.  Plus too idle to google.

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