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CESU employer's exoneration at 70?


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I just received a letter from the CESU (cheque emploi-service people) who have pleasure in informing me that once I turn 70 i shall be exonerated from paying "cotisations patronales de Securité Sociale" for the gardener i occasionally employ in my residence secondaire.

I thought "Yippee!"

However, the letter goes on to say that I still have to declare the amount I pay her. And that i shall still have taken from my bank account "la totalité des cotisations salariales ainsi que des cotisations patronales AT (accident du travail), CFP (contribution à la formation profession elle), FNAL, IRCEM, Prévoyance, AGFF et Pôle emploi."

So it doesn't sound as if I shall be any better off. Or does it?

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Well the site says

La rémunération d'une aide à domicile est exonérée des cotisations

patronales de Sécurité sociale maladie, vieillesse et allocations

(les autres cotisations patronales et salariales restent

), lorsque cette personne est employée par :

  • Les

    personnes âgées de 70 ans et plus. Cette exonération est accordée

    automatiquement au moment de votre adhésion au Chèque emploi service

    universel ou lorsque vous atteignez l'âge de 70 ans (attention : le

    montant mensuel de cette exonération est plafonné).

    Vous pouvez

    également bénéficier de cette exonération si votre conjoint est âgé de

    70 ans et plus. Dans ce cas, prenez contact avec le Centre national du

    Chèque emploi service universel.

So it looks as if you are exempt from some but not all of the charges.

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It really is quite a saving. You can see for yourself how much you will save by doing a "simulation" on the CESU website and saying the employer is "over 70".

We were certainly pleased, and don't forget that if you are a taxpayer you can get half the total pay and cotisations deducted from your tax bill.  Always seems odd to us that if one needs help but do not pay tax you get no tax relief so the poorer you are the more your help costs...

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