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English books

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I am holding a Bring and Buy of English books on Sunday 10th September from 2pm to 5pm. Books will cost 1 euro.

All the proceeds go to the ASA Dog Refuge at Aussillon and Le Chat Protégé (both near Mazamet).

Location of the sale is 12 rue des Ecoles, 81200 Aussillon.

This is normally a well-attended sale, with the emphasis on modern fiction.

Call me on 06 21 37 60 01 for more information, or if you are able to donate books in advance - this enables me to lay them out in good time!

Chrissie (81)
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  • 7 months later...
Hi Christie,

Is this sale held annually? We have 200+ books (all modern fiction) that we would like to donate if there is a sale later this year. We have just put our house on the market so with any luck we might be ready to pack up by the summer time.

Please let me know if these books could be of use to you and where we would need to get them to (we are near Figeac in the Lot).


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I am currently having a clear out and had intended to take some back to the UK, but we are not <that> far away from you (Mazamet is about 1hr drive)  so maybe I can help out too.  Very mixed bag of stuff.  Not completed yet.  Do let me know if you are interested in me keeping them for you.  If so we can work out getting them to you later!!

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Many thanks Halldfandid and Judith

The sale takes place once or twice a year, to avoid buying fatigue, and new stock is ALWAYS welcome! Please do put aside any books you could give and I will see about collection a bit later in the spring or summer if that is OK. Have to say I am not sure re logistics of getting books from Figeac, but someone from here may be driving to UK via that area later in the year - I will ask around.

Best wishes

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Chrissie, been sorting again today.  Is it only modern fictiuon you want (whic hI don;t have much of, gave that up long ago, but I have quite a bit of detective stuff and also autobiogs, or biogs, if that is any use ... any how can work it out later ... as you say.

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Most people go for the detective stuff and any light fiction - I tend to specify "modern fiction" to avoid people clearing out a load of ancient stuff from their attics, Also recipe books and videos, none of which sell well (although DVDs sell OK).

Anything interesting has a chance of raising some cash, so you can err on the safe side and let me have the biogs etc!

Thanks again

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  • 1 month later...
It looks as though the next book sale for the animal refuges will be late May/early June - I will have to get my permit from the Mairie etc to firm up the date. But this means I should be looking at taking you up on your kind offers of books.

Re the Figeac books - would it be possible to meet up somewhere in the vicinity of Cordes sur Ciel, which I reckon is about halfway between us and you?

And Judith, are you anywhere near Minerve - as I can easily persuade my other half to go there for lunch and we could pick up your books along, no doubt, with some of our favourite local wines....?


Chrissie (81)
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Minerve is just up the road (as it were!) - only about 15-20 mins drive!  Guess where we take visitors!  No probs.  Agree about the wines!!  However, I am away in April, and may have visitors in May (sorry!), and then away for part of June!!!  Help.  So far, I have not managed to clear that many books, clearing clothes as well to take back to the UK in April (not really suitable for here, too posh!), so still trying to get to everything.

I <should> be here for late May and early June though, so suggest we keep in touch ...when I am in the UK I can probably see the posts, but may not be able to reply on my ipad ... we'll see!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Right - this year's sale will be on 27th May - I will start a new thread to publicise this.

Judith - I will try to pm you my details so if there is any chance of meeting up in time to get the books you can contact me.

Halldfandid - any thoughts re meeting up around the Cordes area?

Chrissie (81)
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