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chemin st Jacques

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Hope someone can help.

In september i'll be walking part of the Chemin, hopping on around Condom, and heading to Pamplona - about 3 weeks worth of the route.

Getting down there in a hire car or train, and back by whatever means is proving a bit of a faff to say the least, so I just wondered.....

Is there anyone on the forum who lives on or close to the route and has the space to allow me to leave my own car on their drive, securely, for the three weeks?

I'll pay of course.

If, in principle its possible, please pm me and we'll discuss.

Thanks in advance tho'.
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There are various routes. Our first house in France was in the Gers, SE of Condom and  due south of Auch, and was on one of those routes. We had pilgrims passing daily in the spring and summer.

But I think the usual route from Condom was more to the west.

Hopefully Mint will advise - she did the walk a few years ago
ps I'm still in touch with neighbours there if you want me to contact them.

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Yonner, I have thought about your problem but, alas, I have no answer[:(]

I myself went by train to St Jean Pied de Port and started from there.  I do not know anywhere that is near Condom.  The nearest gite d'étape I know near the route is in Ariège and I know the French owners well but, accommodating as they are, I don't think they could run you to Condom from where they live.

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Yonner, I thought of you yesterday evening when I was watching this

The relevant programme, about the compostelle, is in the first left-hand box for re-play.

It covers in some detail the latter part of your walk for this year.  Shows the path from St JPP to Pamplona and features the annual bull run.

I didn't see the bulls in Pamplona but at another smaller town further along.  Must admit it distressed me quite a bit to see those poor beasts (no, NOT the humans) scared out of their wits and slipping painfully on their own excrement on the cobbles; hoofs obviously not designed to cope with cobbles[+o(]

Also, do visit the botanical gardens in Pamplona, on the way OUT of the town.  Apart from me, no other walker seemed interested in them but I thought they were a delightful place to spend an hour or so away from the path;

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They look interesting Mint thx, we'll take a shufftee later.

We walked the SJPP to Santiago route a few years ago, and Le Puy to Cahors a couple of summers back.

I think we did see the botanical gardens in Pamplona - do they have a false "river" with black swans on it?

We have a three week window this year and thought Pamplona was a good stopping off point for trains/buses back home. That determined around Condom as a start, based on daily distance - Little did we know how tricky/costly it would be to get to Condom on public or hired transport, but its coming together.
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As you won't be taking much luggage have you thought about using BlaBla car ?

I know it's a long shot but people do need to drive their cars all over France at the oddest times and dates so you might find someone who is going to Condom from near you and someone else who is driving from Pamplona to somewhere near you.

It's a bit early to book at the moment but have a look and see if there is a possibility .. the cost of the journey would be really low as the drivers are not allowed to make a profit.
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Where are you coming from? Travelling with four people will always be expensive on public transport, if the links exist, and one way car hire where possible is also costly. Two friends of mine who have done parts of the walk twice ended up driving to their chosen starting point and using free car parking there. The walked for about ten days each time and got public transport back to their starting point where they picked up their car.
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Yonner wrote : I did look at blabla Sue, but because we want to get some accommodation sorted - so we need arrangements in place - and there being 4 of us with sacks, and living in the sticks it looks impractical ..

Ah .. now 4 people is much more complicated ..

BinB is right when he says moving 4 people about by public transport is going to cost a lot.
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Just so that everyone can enjoy the link I posted earlier (page 1 of the thread), I have now edited the link to make it clickable.

Even though I had step by step excellent guidance from the kind person who explained it all to me, it took me a few attempts[:-))]

"Kind Person", thank you and I will be sending you an acknowledgement in PM.

As for everyone else reading this, hey, you owe it to me to look at this, no?[:P]  It took me quite a l o n g time to post it....[:D]

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