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haircut near perpignan

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does any one know of an English hairdresser near perpignan, my hair is desperate for a cut,normally I woulnt bother about the nationality for any other service , but my hair is unusual to the French, I am a young 40`s (enough said) but have had grey hair since young, have had various colours on in the past, but actually prefere it `au natural` which the French find strange,but I find their RED strange.just to divert, we were inCPAM offices in perpignan on Monday waiting to be seen to and commented to my hubby that if we were to be seen to by the lady with the RED hair I wuldnt be able to keep my face streight, guess which booth we were called to? I had to think of something really serious to keep me from grinning at her crowning glory! anyway English hairdresser any one, have car will travel!
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