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Hey Rob wait till next year! you too can run behind the bulls trying to hang on to their tails!!
We(Opas family) went to Millas yesterday...well twice actually, once to see the bulls (and the barmy pastis filled Catalan youths in their bandanas and red and yellow socks !)running through the streets,our adrenelin(sp) was buzzing from our safe haven so what about the macho youth(and not so young...had to stop Mr O attempting it....he wasnt dressed appropriatly and thought he may be a little conspicuous with addidas socks on with moccasin shoes!!!)
The announcements ammused me as they were telling us that `they` take no responsibility for injury or death..
Anyway home for early tea and back later for the biggest firework deplay outside of figures(it said) ,so we were laughing that it will probably be a right let down, how wrong can you be?It was fantastic,if not mad ,the sapier pompiers were in attendance(good safety start) but then we realised why,the organisers dressed as red and green devils(someone will correct me if i am wrong) were running and dancing about in the streets ,which wern`t cornered off and the youth again (3 hours later than the bull run ..hence more pastis)were dancing around in the midst of these fireworks! Dont get me wrong it was brilliant to watch but safety is always foremost in my mind where fireworks are concered.
The girls loved it and if anyone reading this catches T3 news tonight look out for an item on this as the film crew was there,and caught Mr O (big handsome man with a beard with a little girl on his shoulders wearing pink and the most adorable face)on camera making a point for them to look at the desplay not the camera.
It was our eldests birthday yesterday and we realised when we came home that there had been a bullfight(something she has been asking to see for ages)...anyway were here for good..so another time
Down to earth today,shopping at Auchan(perpignan) never seen the car park so full! got a few bargains ,swimwear 50% off(eldest needed new) and a new schoolbag for the youngest as she moves to primare in september,can`t believe the prices of school bags,but trust Mrs O to get the last one on promo....I should be a personal shopper ,any offers?
Oh and off to RestoMarche(opp the mc do we visited)for a very nice lunch.
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Je retour

What was left after the bull run was demolished by the Jazz (mmm nice) festival which followed on the 7th and 8th. More disturbing news is the fair arriving on the 10th (the day we left!) to wreak further turmoil and havoc to the Trois Quilles!

Don't forget, En Aout. Carcassonne, << Fiesta y Toros>> aux arenas de Carcassonne. Du 27, a 21h, corrida de region avec Patricia Pelen et Julie Clavieres. Well we all know someone who likes it (if she can get her car to work! and not be stopped by the Flics).
Anyone been to Le parc Australien? Un voyage au pays des kangourous, A 3 minutes de la Cite medievale? whatever next Aussie wine... What do you call a boomerang that does'nt come back,,,,, A stick. Grands et petits s'essaieront ensuite aux jeux traditionnels Australiens, comme le fer a cheval ou le bowling Australien. Enfin, des demonstrations et initiations au boomerang, sous la houlette d'un specialiste. What have we been missing all this time? Rather try sheparding Songlier or clearing the arignee from our still leaking new roof...Come back Jean Marc, you won't get paid till you fix it! At least we will miss the fete du cassoulet at Castlenaudary Du vendredi 27 au dimanche 29 Aout. Don't know what all the fuss is about, it's diabollical. Next visit we shall go to the fete de la pomme at Mirepoix, 16th et 17th Octobre. See ya there folks......

Terry ((back in GB, Meteo merde )( can I say merde?)(delete if appropiate)(Chris))
When I get old I will wear scarlet,,,

Terry ( )
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  • 3 weeks later...

Takes some getting used to. Thought it had been deathly quiet around here for a while even had to resort to visiting TF

News from our end is that the neighbours from hell have finally moved out. Told you about them Chris. They went last Wed and finished moving at 07.20 the next morning after keeping half the street awake overnight  We also found our new roof to be leaking on our last trip down but have been told that it has been fixed Looks a whole lot different after we spent 4 hours clearing the junk the previous owner had left in the attic Will see if I can add a piccy



Okay - Well I couldn't do it ,..... but the missus could!!!!

This space will be our master bedroom! at some point in the future.

Now have the accolade of being the 1st to post piccies on re-vamped site

Trying to use as many of these new emoticons as possible.

Best to all,

Terry (and Jo)



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[quote]Hey Rob wait till next year! you too can run behind the bulls trying to hang on to their tails!! We(Opas family) went to Millas yesterday...well twice actually, once to see the bulls (and the barmy pa...[/quote]

You have announcements warning you about death and injury????

We just have a big bang.

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Ah zut alors Terry, please accept my humblest.  I blame the new software - if there isn't a new message, there's no sign that the inbox exists.  Out of sight, out of mind, especially for those with brains already stuffed to overflowing (i.e. small).

I feel almost as bad as when I pulled out in front of a motard the other day.  Thank goodness he wasn't a motard de Dijon


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