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Thinking of buying in Aude - B&B business?

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I'm thinking of helping my parents invest in a semi-retirement property in the South of France and the Languedoc (partic. Aude) appears to offer reasonable properties at not too extortionate prices. BAsically we're thinking of a three bedroom village property with terrace/small garden and have a budget of about Euros 120,000.

Can anyone tell me if this sounds reasonable (it appears yes from some of the property web-sites but you never know)? Also, mum and dad would love to run a small Chambre D'hotes business with the spare rooms - does anyone have any thoughts on this? In particular - is there a demand, is the red-tape long and torturous etc etc?

Finally - given what I've said above - does anyone have any recommendations on particular areas/villages etc?

Sorry for all the questions - just trying to manage expectations before we go down the path of house and area hunting!!

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LAST EDITED ON 07-May-04 AT 03:27 PM (BST)

If you don't want to have to renovate then it may be possible to get a village house in good condition with no garden.

With regards to running a B&B you might like to look at the following threads which cover the main areas of doing it legally and how to work out your tax, NI (equiv) and licences.

http://www.livingfrance.com/dcforum/DCForumID50/52.html (Licences)

http://www.livingfrance.com/dcforum/DCForumID50/50.html (B&B Micro Enterprise)

http://www.livingfrance.com/dcforum/DCForumID50/34.html (regulations)

There is loads more stuff in this part of the forum.

DO YOUR HOMEWORK is all I can say.

Good Luck


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Prices of Property in Aude have dramatically increased in the last couple of years and you may be hard pressed to find any thing with a garden and 3 bedrooms in your price range that doesn't require a fair amount of renovation. Even Village properties with no garden in a good state of order are likely to have prices in excess 120,000.

But it is cetainly worth going and having a look as you may just find an ideally priced property. That's what I did 15 years ago and I did find a bargain and made an offer the day it went onto the market. Good house hunting.

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  • 5 months later...

I would also recommend the Corbieres or into 'my' area in the Minervois. Even so, 120,000 Euros is rather a low sum for a property for even a village property that will attract B&B customers. Yes, you will certainly get a three bedroom village house for 120,000, but you may find a garden or garage is not affordable.

Olonzac, for instance, has several Estate Agents that speak English and carry a good range of property.

All the best with your venture.


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Judging by what some of our guests are bringing back from agents I reckon that you would be talking about €200,000 plus. You then have to think about modifying the house by adding en-suite facilities to each letting room as most people expect this these days (even the French).
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