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now, i know there was a thread a while back about this but then i also know that wood can be much cheaper in other parts of the country so most of it didnt concern us.
we had a wood burning stove installed earlier this year and it is brilliant . we havent used our electric heaters at all!! but we cant help wondering if we have paid too much for the wood. admittedly we had to get 35cm logs to fit in which are more expensive than the longer ones, and we paid 80euros for each stere ( cubic metre) we had delivered. very nice man but maybe he was so happy because he made a juicy profit out of us. i reckon 4 stere will be our annual consumption . it will be interesting to see how much reduction there is in our electricity bill !
in the meantime, does anyone know of a cheaper source of wood for next year or can you reassure us that we are paying a fair price.
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  • 9 months later...

[quote]25€ a stere for oak in the charente[/quote]

What !!

We paid more than 25€ a M³ way back in 1990 for "mixed timber" not purely OAK , so who's nicking it in the Charente for that kind of price !! We'll have a few thousand steres at that price please !

We paid 384€ for 2 cordes last month (50cm cut), that's the dearest we have ever paid in France but we got fed up paying locals cheaper money for wood too fresh and too much "air" in place of wood in the metreage but even so, what we have paid is pretty b****y expensive.



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Manxie, yes of course, the Dordogne works in "Bras" (ooh Matron !) and is 4 metres, it is just 3 metres here in Brittany, to a corde.

Still flipping cheap at around 38 euros per stere for oak. I really think we were paying more than that in the Dordogne in 1999. I am being told at the moment that oak is getting pretty difficult to get at the right price, I feel oil central heating has to be the next step in the next place ...........

Mind you, it has been so mild around here, that we have not had the woodburner going yet and have been happy with just background heating.



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Disgusted with Piprob for spelling of Belvianes.

If you are lucky like us (gloat gloat) When we brought our place we had the un-expected bonus of about four acres of land!!!  Some of which is forest so we can get our own wood avec chainsaw... Okay so we have to dry it for a year 


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