Piprob Posted December 9, 2004 Share Posted December 9, 2004 Earlier this week, we read in the local press that consultations are in progress to receive opinion and reaction to a proposed plan for the area - presumably, initiatives aimed at breathing some more life into the area. Although several folk we spoke to seemed to know little about it, they all ventured the opinion that it would have nothing to say about future housing or business development. Fundamentally, it was suggested, the problem is one of geography, and consequently it is beyond a solution. The place is just too "inaccessible".There wasn't enough time to find out more - assuming there is more - but we wondered if anyone knows anything about an area plan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quillan Posted December 9, 2004 Share Posted December 9, 2004 I know they are about to start work on pedestrianising the area from the square to Formica bridge which involves removing all the trees, why I don't know (removing the trees that is).I know that now Formica have gone the mayor sees tourism as the way forward but he has to get the people to think that way as well.We actually get loads of bookings outside the main holiday season but the difficulty is that at the end of the summer season everything closes till July the next year so unless there are things do to nobody will come. Although we are closed for renovation till the 8th Jan we could have had at least somebody in every week, I have had to turn them away.The Brits are taking a interest in the area, Fish and Chip shop near the Formica factory, only open for the summer and a English guy has maid a offer on the Canal Hotel and the same guy has expressed an interest in the Spa baths in Gennoles. Espina has the go ahead for the new fishing lake at long last and are also extending their holiday accommodation area.So we will wait and see. I know the tax's will go up in Quillan (sharply) as they have lost around 2M€ pa from Formica and somebody has to pay for all this. If you don't come directly under Quillan the tax rise will gradually fan out as places like Gennoles, Belvianes, Cavirac and a few others are only sub mayors of Quillan. Perhaps thats why the mayor has decided to 'consult' and hopes people will let him off the hook re some of his plans and then he won't have to put the tax's up so much.The other thing I was told buy one of the councillors (goes to the rugby each week - it's THE place to find out what is going on) is that Quillan is officially a 'Economic Disaster Area' after the Formica and Huntsman closures and the mayor has applied for grants from the EU.As I said we will wait and see, I never really believe anything until it happens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Piprob Posted December 9, 2004 Author Share Posted December 9, 2004 That's useful info Quillie, thanks. (Do you know Michel Arthouzoul. I believe he is one of the club's Vice Presidents. He is in charge of the electrical work at our house. (By his manner and voice tone he could be a Scotsman from the Aberdeen area!!)Discerning just how to exploit the toursist possibilities of the area throughout the year is a very appealing challenge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fionah Posted December 9, 2004 Share Posted December 9, 2004 That's very interesting ..... The lake you are talking about near L'Esplinet - is that a private fishing lake or is it the one they've been trying to get permission on for years and years - a larger and more glorious version of the swimming lake at Puivert??? I understand there are also plans ahead for a new pedestrian walkway alongside the river from The Palace to that new lake planned in the valley near St Ferreol. Graham Schrag - one of our local artists husband - is opening up a new restaurant opposite the EPI building on that new pedestrian precinct. Should be open around Easter I understand. Not heard about the fish and chip guy but I had heard the Mairie were planning to erect screening around the very unsightly Formica factory....... Do we really want fish and chips in Quillan ???I'd also heard that the Maire was now concentrating on making the communes of Quillan 'the place to holiday' - hopefully they can give some encouragement to anyone who may want to open shops up on the Grand Rue which looks decidedly shabby for the main entrance into the town centre. Perhaps there can be some 'tourism awareness' drive laid on for the local businesses - they all seem to rush through summer and come August 31st that's it!I didn't realise the Hotel Canal was on the market - I know that there is interest from an english businesswoman on the Hotel Chaumiere .......... And of course you didn't mention the new ampitheatre/spectacular thing that's due to be built on the land where the fair usually lives near the railway station - can't wait to see our tax bills for the next year!All in all Quillan seems to be on the up - hopefully the local French will agree - it is being descibed locally as Little England! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hegs Posted December 13, 2004 Share Posted December 13, 2004 From the Limoux weekly rag: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lelimouxin/infoslimouxin.htm . Looks like Formica have weaseled out of verbal commitments and this will be long and drawn out process.FormicaFormica ne laissera pas son site quillanais pour un euro symbolique. Dans un récent courrier envoyé à la mairie, l'entreprise explique qu'elle vendra son bien au plus offrant. Or, lors des négociations sur la fermeture de l'unité, la société s'était engagée oralement sur deux points : dépolluer le site et céder à la commune pour un euro symbolique le foncier et les bâtiments.Si la partie basse doit être détruite, car elle se trouve en zone inondable, le reste des bâtiments représente une manne intéressante pour la commune. Cette dernière pourra les reconvertir en ateliers relais ou autre. Seul problème, aujourd'hui, l'entreprise semble vouloir tirer profit de la vente de son site.La Sous-Préfecture, entend se "montrer ferme" pour que Formica respecte sa parole. Malheureusement, l'accord n'ayant été que verbal, la municipalité comme la sous-préfecture n'ont aucun moyen juridique pour faire plier la multinationale. Néanmoins, toutes deux disposent d'atouts. La commune possède un droit de préemption sur les locaux. Elle peut donc empêcher toute vente. Enfin, la sous-préfecture a un moyen de pression très important avec l'environnement. La loi oblige l'entreprise à dépolluer le site. Or, la législation peut être très exigeante en la matière. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quillan Posted December 13, 2004 Share Posted December 13, 2004 I know from a first hand source that they (Formica) are removing the asbestos to make the site safe hence the heating plant running. They are also 'relocating' what production equipment they can.The question of the commune buying it for 1€ is a good one. I would think that the reason Formica have gone back on their verbal agreement is they realise the site is valuable and another company may buy it. If this is the case then won't that bring employment to the area and it won't cost the commune any money.This could actualy let the mayor of a financial hook as it were. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hegs Posted December 14, 2004 Share Posted December 14, 2004 These days with so much delocalization going on in France, plus housing prices, I would suspect the land would be developed for housing, which wouldn't help employment much.Mind you, some of the haut valley industrial and viticulture firms are doing well and expanding (e.g. Actis Isolants, Sieurs d'Arques) so I could be wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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