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Single girlfriend of mine's looking for a small hideaway in a lively village but ideally no more than an hour from Nice.  (That's an hour by winter timings, she won't be there July/August.)  She has good French but would quite like to have other Brits around (I'm sure that won't be difficult!).  She's talking of around Draguignan but surely that's an hour plus to Nice even outside of summer and isn't it pretty cold in winter?  Her budget's quite healthy so I was thinking one of those nice little villages in an arc north of Grasse.  Anyone else got any other ideas?


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Hi Margaret,

We live about 25/30 mins North of Nice (Not far from Vence) which is a lovely area, but I'd certainly recommend the Grasse area. Moving out of 06 and into 83 is the cheaper option, and it tends to be a little less spoilt, whilst not being to far from the main towns/cities of the Côte D'Azur.


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Ah, Chris, I know where you are very well indeed for we've stayed many times at the Colombe d'Or down the road at St Paul.  Glad you support the idea of north of Grasse, it is still slightly less built up, isn't it?  But it's a lovely town and well situated for both the coast, airport and mountains.  Appreciate the tip on prices too.  Cheers.  Margaret   
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