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Hi all - I have posted on here under different subject but now...... Im really trying to get my son into the MOugins school just outside Cannes.. However..... I am a single Mum - AND (through no fault of my own - have recently had my licence taken away for 20 months.  I have just been over to Mougins for a brief 3 day trip to look at school/property.  One estate agent told me that I may be able to buy an electric car to run in France which doesnt require me to have a driving licence.  This would make my life SOOOOO much easier.  I have tried a couple of websites, but had no response. Anybody know about these cars? Is it possible.  Anyone familiar with Mougins School or that area?  Any info would be HUGELY welcome!
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this has actually been covered in a previous posting I have tried to find it but it must be on old site.

        do a search on the web for axiom I think or microcars should give you what you want, I did  a bit of research for my wife who does not drive, the ones we looked at where petrol 2 seats limited to 30mph 0r 47 kph you do not need a licence to drive them but because most of the people who drive them have lost there licences the insurance is oh la lah .

       if i remember cost was between €5000 to €8000 but cannot remember.

hope this helps


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I don't want to preach, neither do I want to know why your license has been taken. But if it wasn't your fault, then there must have a reason why the authorities took it away. If that's an assumed health reason, please think carefully about whether this "solution" to your problems is a good idea.

Also, assuming that the reason for not having a license is not a worry to you, remember that these cars are limited to 30mph so if your sons school is 30 miles away, it's a long journey each way.


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Thanks for your reply John. I dont have any health problems, but I was the unfortunate victim of having my drink spiked at a party without knowing it.  The police "lost" vital bits of information, such as tapes of me being interviewed in the police station, lied through their teeth about me and made up things they they had not written in their reports or notes.   Despite all this, the magistrates chose to still ban me for 20 months, which as a single parent living in the sticks, has had devastating consequences.  My business has collapsed, my son cannot get to school - so I think whatever problems I might encounter in a car that only goes at 30mph would be a doddle in comparison!

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