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Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb, and Quasimodo were all talking one day.

Sleeping Beauty said, "I believe myself to be the most beautiful girl in the world."

Tom Thumb said, "I must be the smallest person in the world."

Quasimodo said, "I absolutely have to be the ugliest person in the world."

They decided to go to the Guinness Book of World Records to have their claims verified.

Sleeping Beauty went first and came out looking deliriously happy. "It's official, I AM the most beautiful girl in the world,"

Tom Thumb went next and emerged triumphant, "I am officially the smallest person in the world."

Sometime later, Quasimodo came out looking confused and simply stated, "Who the hell is Camilla Parker Bowles?"



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Good one, Joh. I notice that you did not post in the "Amusing tales" forum but having had a look at it I see it is surrounded by barbed wire and replies to the posting from Swiss Barry seem to be from aliens talking in code. I replied to this post and got

This is a moderated forum. Your post has been received and is pending moderation. You will be notified via email once your post is approved!

Wow, is all I can say!

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Sado saddo sadoo which one is it ,dicky you are the font of all things knowledgable in the world of the word.The meaning goes a little like you poor sad person because all you do is post(in this case),rubbish and do not live in the real world,hope it helps,yours I live in france and
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Thank you. I am a saddo. Why?

Yes I have knowledge. I'll let you into a secret - so do most people. You don't seem to. That is due to your frailties, which I and the great majority don't share.

And you have the temerity to accuse ME of posting rubbish, with your record?

I (amongst others) am heartily sick of your trolling, your bad manners (and bad spelling) and your inane posts. And you say you are in the real world?

I was sick of being insulted by you in your previous persona - for which you were banned from the forum but came back - and I'm just as sick of it in this one.

Get a life.
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I think that it's about time that this one was put to sleep? Life's too short for bad wine and there is enough agro in the world without importing even more, so why not let's all be friends. The ones who don't wish to be then no problem, just go somewhere else!

Don't let it under your skin Dick, it ain't worth it...


P.S. A tractor has just been cutting the grass verges outside our house, in the snow! Yes even we have had a bit of snow in the Aude last night. All of about 1/2 inch. It will soon go now the sun has started to shine on a lovely day.........

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Dicky,you asked a question to which I replied to,and now because you do not like the answer(to which you seemed to have taken personally).For your interest I find the fact that you do not even live in france and own a second home here along with your attitude of overwhelming superiority and in general obnoxious in the main just plain condescending,but would not let that get between us

PS The `rubbish ` remark was aimed at the word Saddo,sadoo etc.

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Sorry outcast, as you know i'm not in the habit of picking up on your grammar, but it's unclear just what you are intending to say about the fact that Dicksmith has a holiday home here. Currently it seems you find it 'condescending'. Is this really what you meant to say? If so, it doesn't make sense.

There is a thread running in 'owning french property' titled something like 'the ethics of having a holiday home', perhaps you could join in there, and make your points regarding second home ownership.

Jonjob, it would be nice to be friends, or even just friendly with everyone here, but sometimes this just isn't possible. Outcast gets on my very last nerve sometimes, and i'm not even one of the people he constantly trails around after having digs at (while digging himself in ever deeper holes).

I think those people restrain themselves remarkably well in their responses.



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Tesco,not going on about the issue of second homes in the post,it was a response to dicky smith who like many other people not all with the same personal traits I must add,do not have the bottle to move over to france and make a living over here,the rights and wrongs of second homes are of no interest to me has I do not have one!.We live over here with two kids and so do not carp from the sidelines,please who are these people being"trailed"this is a forum and topics which are of interest to myself will be responded to.
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You raised the second homes thing outcast and now you're implying that a forum member is a coward because they don't live here. There are many members and guests who use the forum who do not live in France. There is no requirement to do so.

You and I probably agree that it's best to think long and hard before making the move, and i'm certain that there are plenty of people on the forum who have done this and decided that it is not for them, some of them reluctantly. These people are not 'carping from the sidelines'. Many of them have demonstrated time and time again that they know a great deal about France, and give very good advice on the forum.

It seems clear to me that you respond to certain topics only because a forum member who you have 'taken against' has posted. Any regular reader of the forum will know who those people are, so you certainly don't need to ask me.

Can I ask again, why you chose your rather tragic user name?




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You can ask all you like,but it is down to myself if I choose to answer.The fact may of escaped your notice that the forum is call Living France,not dreaming about living  in france,as you well know I`m here living and working in france and do not see it as the promise land and if I had a pound for every time someone back in the UK said to me "oh I would love to live in france" I could have three homes in france not one.The reply why dont you then is a great way to lose "friends"

The last bit of your posting,well you have gone back to ranting on again,otherwise it might of been serious posting.

Thanks for pointing the second home post.

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