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Popped in to Spain for my monthly cig run. Only went as far as La Jonquera, because i was meeting some friend in Elne for lunch. Went back to France on the N9 for the for the first time. Now on my map is places Le Perthus in France but there where Spainish police and there van in the 'town' itself?. Stopped there for a 15 minute look around, very very strange place. Do they have a special tax zone there? and the the shops are staffed my Spanish? All very odd, and thats saying something after the oddness of La Jonquera. So who polices Le Perthus? The Franch, or the Spanish?

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The french police"police" le perthus but the french and spanish customs both have sway,if you noticed about 1km away from le perthus(french side) there is a joint depot for the french and spanish customs where french spanish and catalan flags fly.When you go through the check point at the bottom of le perthus then you are in spain,you can tell by the spanish civil guard pointing machine guns and pump action shotguns that you are in spain,same goes if one is using the autoroute.We go 3/4 times a month to spain sometimes just for lunch as we find the spanish restaurants serve much better food than the french and at less than half the price with wine included.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I always find Le Perthus confusing. We went through on Saturday afternoon. The Tabacs were queued around the corner....yet officialy it is in France, but the cigs are obviously cheaper(have used them to buy as pressies on way back to UK ) and are cheaper than airport prices.

There are always a couple of coaches in the car parks at the bottom(spain end) from 31 and 11 and in the summer at least 1/2 dozen park there from various depts.

It amuses me to see the trolleys laden(couple of cartons at least with whiskey and other spirits.

Reminds me slightly of when we used to do day/overnight trips to Calais at the Hypermarkets. Mrs O

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Makes one wonder why some people don't move to Spain then...  If they go there 3/4 times a month....    And like it so much, but then there's probably not a living Spain website they can annoy people on.


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So joh ,if you lived  close to the border and knew you could save money by going there to fill up your tank with cheaper diesel  you wouldn`t bother then?. Some of us arn`t francophiles , just happen to live in france.
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[quote]Makes one wonder why some people don't move to Spain then... If they go there 3/4 times a month.... And like it so much, but then there's probably not a living Spain website they can annoy people ...[/quote]

Ouch Terry, I happen to know you visit Spain nearly every time you come to France. I guess if I lived a lot closer to the border I would do the same. Even Champion supermarket is cheaper in Spain. The question is would you really like to live in Spain, for me the answer is no.

No snow today yipeee.

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Ouch and double ouch.

Well that killed off this thread then!

Although you all mis-construed where my other post was aimed.

Yes we are down for Easter and we will go to Spain to visit family ect, we also managed to get a very cheap Speedferry crossing (£34 return) for later in the year.


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Russie,just because someone lives in france(I`m here in france)does not mean and sure you by now must know that it does in fact not mean that we all love france,after all if someone spends more time dreaming about living in france than really living in france they are apt to have a dream like view unlike us folk who live in france and that said not all folks who live in france think the same but most would say it is not a bed of roses.

As for not liking england well who`s england are we talking about?if you want me to expand I will be it on your own head.

Not liking spain,I never said that, in fact we go to spain quite a lot,you may not know but the dept that we live in is classed as north catalonia,just great for me as I am in france be could almost be in spain half the village are spanish and spanish/catalan is widely spoken and I will be voting for the catalan nationalist party in the election(they want an independant state of catalonia)and I have a picture of a donkey on the back of our car.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Rdkr, next time you visit La Jonquera and come off the Auto route at the first exit , take a look to your right hand side . There is a row of shops selling `novelties` and cheap sports gear, just after there is a Reataurant called Buffet Libre service ,or similar, you will not miss it, it will have a queue out of the door a mile long waiting to pay around 20 euros per head. We passed today at about 13.00hrs and there must have been about 60 people standing in line waiting for the diners inside to finish! and just to add that it is always like that, not because it is a holiday weekend.  PS don`t forget to purchase a fishing rod, silver watch or a camera for 200 euros off the men standing at the petrol station Mrs O.
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It always amazes me the number of people eating in Jonquera, we've had lunch there once in the restaurant at the BP garage, and one of the police having lunch there informed us that most of there other places sdished up pig swill oh and there are always nice men trying to sell us rubbish outside Esqudor(?) supermarket. Do people really buy there tat? I always think of it has a wildwest town. Feels more like South America and Europe.

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