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Ikea Montpellier opening this month!!

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Indeed.  I just had to post, I was soooooo excited this morning to see that they've finally managed to put the name on the outside wall.   It is no longer just a blue-and-yellow box.  My life is punctuated by such thrills, I sometimes wonder how I stand the excitement. 
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I have a confession to make - I visited the newly opened IKEA on our recent visit.  We're furnishing our house and I just had to have their loss leader - an iron day bed at £50.00 (mattress and base extra).  It looks perfect in our top bedroom and just imagine what a fashionably rusty one from a brocante would have cost!

We avoided the first day and went on the third so that things would have had time to calm down and we wouldn't be trampled.  It was still a close call tho.  We had to park our car about a quarter of a mile from the store and tramp over rough hummocky ground to reach it (husband was furious!)  When we got there it was a real culture shock - some of the staff actually smiled at us (they'd obviously been on a course).  This can only be a good thing for the French retail trade - I'm sure an assistant in Castorama swore at us once - in French obviously so we couldn't be sure.

As we were waiting to buy the stuff happy smiling youngsters came round with bottles of water and sweeties.  It was all a bit Stepford Wives.  I don't know that I prefer the French their usually grumpy selves now.  Contrary or what!

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I have a confession to make - I visited the newly opened IKEA on our recent visit.  We're furnishing our house and I just had to have their loss leader - an iron day bed at £50.00 (mattress and base extra).  It looks perfect in our top bedroom and just imagine what a fashionably rusty one from a brocante would have cost!

We avoided the first day and went on the third so that things would have had time to calm down and we wouldn't be trampled.  It was still a close call tho.  We had to park our car about a quarter of a mile from the store and tramp over rough hummocky ground to reach it (husband was furious!)  When we got there it was a real culture shock - some of the staff actually smiled at us (they'd obviously been on a course).  This can only be a good thing for the French retail trade - I'm sure an assistant in Castorama swore at us once - in French obviously so we couldn't be sure.

As we were waiting to buy the stuff happy smiling youngsters came round with bottles of water and sweeties.  It was all a bit Stepford Wives.  I don't know that I prefer the French their usually grumpy selves now.  Contrary or what!

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SB has gone rather quet lately, apart from doing the necessary school visit and going doing her`daily` job, I`ll bet she spends the rest of her day being wooed by the smiley staff in this new store...do they have good bathroom scales SB that will tell me what I want to see?

Mrs O

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SB has gone rather quiet lately, apart from doing the necessary school visit and going doing her`daily` job, I`ll bet she spends the rest of her day being wooed by the smiley staff in this new store...do they have good bathroom scales SB that will tell me what I want to see?

Mrs O

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[quote]I am a modest, quiet person, I like to stay in the background. And anyway, I haven't been there yet. But I am tempted by the thought of smiling, friendly staff in a French shop. This I MUST see![/quote]

Get Hub to take the Cam thingy, cos you gotta convince us somehow that there were smiles and please do tell me if the meat balls are just as enticing as they were in Wembley ! !

Alexis , don't hold your breath, that's all we have heard for a couple of years. People ask us "I thought you said IKEA was coming to town ?" So I wonder where did we all hear that then, I thought it was in the newspaper but... ? Cos it isn't on their website about new sites.

It better be quick as I am person non gratis with Conforama and BUT are still cheesing me of with the portable TV that won't work and the two good shops that were on the Route du Meuble are no longer there ! Still there is Atlas and Fly, ah ha, so that's why people are waiting for IKEA

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Well Confo is the non gratis thing with me. I wouldn't buy anything from them again, and wouldn't recommend them to anyone at all ever.

I have never bought anything from But, I don't know why, I just never got the impression that they would have been 'serious' about guarantees, but really they couldn't have been anyworse than Confo or the Camif for that matter.

I made my first furniture purchases from Ikea three weeks ago.

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I got taken to the Nantes Ikea must have been three years ago.  I was an Ikea virgin up till then.  I asked at the time if they were planning on opening one a bit nearer to me and they said 2007 for Rennes.....

I have been counting the days

Not so long ago, there was an article in Ouest France about the new shop but I didn't see it and dopey lugs didn't pay enough attention to be able to give me the details.  Men!  However, I believe they are bringing the opening forward to next year.

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Straight from the Swedish HQ in France.

They confirm what you were told but really not sure if we can wait that long without getting our fill of Swedish fare......it might mean a trip to Nantes? Do they do 'balls' there ?

Bonjour Mme ......,

Un magasin IKEA doit en effet ouvrir ses portes à Rennes en 2007.

Nous ne disposons pas de plus d'information pour le moment.



Centre de contacts clients IKEA www.ikea.fr

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Get Hub to take the Cam thingy, cos you gotta convince us somehow that there were smiles and please do tell me if the meat balls are just as enticing as they were in Wembley ! !

Smiling, helpful staff - existence confirmed.

Meatballs - existence confirmed.  Quality could not be determined personally owing to long long long long long long long queue in restaurant, but apparent happiness of those already eating suggests that quality is more than acceptable to French palates.

Hub taking Cam thingy?  I do know how to use it, even tho I am just a girlie, but you're right, why have a dog and bark yourself?


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Ooooohhh.  What did you buy?

I still haven't been to Nantes.  OH is off work poorly (not) so I rather fancy him driving there but at this rate, I will have to go alone or it will be next year.  Anyway, stops him asking why I "need" stuff.  Tush!  Fellas

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What did we miss? IKEA in Toulouse was our first IKEA experience but, for the most part, it left us unmoved. Hergoodself entered into the spirit of the thing and asked for some curtains she had seen on display. However none could actually be found to sell her. Liked the restaurant though!
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Piprob, don't give up so easily!   Try, try, and try again, you will succeed in falling under the IKEA spell.   

It left me unmoved too the first time I went to the Marseille one, but now that I'm more used to dull French interior decor, it just seems hugely exciting!   All those colours!  No brown! 


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Exactly whereabouts is the Montpellier one, coming from Nimes direction? Make it simple please, only been there twice, first time in the dark and got lost..not  a happy event and second time was with SB and she was driving

Looking for a coffee table and after seeing the price of them yesterday in Nimes...Ikea it is!

Thankyou, Janey.

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