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I'm sure Chris is not in urgent need of restoration - but when we last left the town of Quillan 'wellies' were essential to reach some of the shops in the library square. Can anyone tell us whether the work is now finished? What with 2004's blue street furniture and a new 'promenade' in 2005, we won't be able to tear ourselves away! Perhaps next year's plans will include hygienic public loos.

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Ah you mean "Les Promonade des Anglais" as the locals now call it. It's a bit of a raw subject. We will be loosing the square for parking outside the library and parking will be down the main road parking at a angle inwards. Parking will all be pay and display in Quillan except for the station carpark (so I am told). More trees, several fountains, modern art sculptures, no sign of a loo, nicely paved, cost around €3M, finished in March(?). Guess who is paying for it? Forunatly I don't live in Quillan so my Tax D'Habitation wont be going up which is what the locals are complaining about plus the fact that the only people who will gain are the English (so they say), it makes it nicer for them but does nothing for the locals, or so they say.

It's all part of the mayors drive to make Quillan more welcoming to tourists. Most think, including myself, that it's not such a big problem getting people here (we were full till the third week in November) but finding them something to do. Quillan works to French holiday times so after September it's closed. He (the mayor) really needs to get people to stay open longer. La Forge and a couple of other activity centres did stay open longer this year, by two weeks, and did get a lot of business. Perhaps the resteraunts can work a rota instead of all closing on the same days.

So yes you still need wellies and a 4X4 to enter Quillan.

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And there was us thinking we could kill two birds with one stone this Christmas, a return visit at Chez piprob and see if we could catch you in, Q, but youve gone and done it now, no 4x4 at chezOpas and the master of the house won`t take his precious car any where near a pothole ,as for wellies, the youngest is threatening to throw hers away after going to Les Angles yesterday with the centre de leisure, too much ice and snow(yes We had told her there would be feet of the stuff) the poor child was even having dreams last night" quote dont send me lugeing, I don`t like the ice, its hurts when I fall  ," almost felt guilty at giving her a day out with her palls!

We too are being refurbished, there is one way in and out of our village, when the workmen are there, so are you...the road is blocked!

Mrs o

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Well, le bouffon, that would suit me very well.  I'd like to stay! But Quillan doesn't surprise me when he says the costs are making the natives restless. Sounds a lot of dosh to pay  just for the benfit of passing traffic. As a local tax-payer I can see we will just have to ensure we get our money's worth - but I haven't the least idea how! S'pose we could save on bath water and do our ablutions in the proposed fountain.
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