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Which new-build company in Languedoc?

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We are looking for a new-build villa in Aude/Herault, but have been unnerved by a French consumer website which logs reviews of many of the development companies in France, including several which advertise regularly in Living France.  The words "robbers without scruples" in one review, and consistently low opinions of some of the best known companies have made us realise we must take advice.  We can't afford the time to supervise the build personally, so need to feel confident in the company we choose.  Can anyone share their experiences with us?



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We used Villas Terre De Sud based in Frontignan. Our contact there was Daniel Santini who speaks English quite well. They have a web site. They are probably a little more expensive than other companies but were excellent. We didn't get a chance to oversee the building of the house and all went fine. There were a couple of very small things that needed sorting out once the house was finished but there after care was great. We have just come back from a week in the house after having it 2 years and are really pleased with it. That said you are limited to the designs that they have (we made a few alterations around one of their basic designs). We also realised once the house was built that we needed a terrace which we have now had built by a french registered builder - one of the drawbacks of not being there when it went up. Daniel worked to our budget (included everything such as notaire fees, connection to drainage etc). He also took us round many areas in the Herault so that we could choose our piece of land. Took 2 years to get it all done.


Jane and Alan



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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems to me the longer you have to wait for a builder the better he is. If you find one that can start tomorrow then beware. In my Area a year to 18 months seems the norm for a start date. The best has around a two year waiting list.

One area where I often see problems in is that you need a device (obviously) and make sure that the builder understands that any extras must be agreed by both parties in writing and signed by both otherwise they won't be paid for. That's how you would work in the UK and you should do the same in France. It helps protect the builder as well from disagreements later.

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  • 1 month later...

We ended up renovating again, but knocked on the doors of three places in 87 all of whom said "love the house - find it on the internet - do not touch our buiilders with a barge pole"  No matter how limited your French is would recommend knocking on doors of new builds you like.  

are corrected to our.

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We are taking the plunge and buying new build near Limoux, S of Carcassone.  Our purchase is in the very early stages, it's through an estate agent acting for the developers, SM Maison based in Carcassonne.  Has anyone any views/knowledge of them? 

The build is for an individual house, one of 8 plots, not on a lotissement.  The specification is in french which the estate agent has taken us through but we are keen to obtain an english translation.  Any suggestions of who could provide this at reasonable cost gratefully received!  We have yet to agree the reservation contract and would welcome any advice on this and indeed the whole process - we have engaged an english solicitor but are still worried about pitfalls ahead - despite all though we are excited by this scary new adventure...

All views and comments much appreciated,


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Our friend works for a notaire in Carca, they have an english woman who normally helps out with translations but she wasn't available the other day, so they got my missus in. Worked a treat. They paid her a small fortune!


Point being, the notaires (at least) obviously want things to be as transparent as the buyers do themselves, which is a good sign.

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That's the point here, Bones.

The technical spec of the new build may not form part of any Acte overseen by the Notaire.

What is and what is not included in a new build in France can vary from builder to builder and is certainly a lot different from a new build in the UK. That is why Cilla should understand exactly what she is getting rather than a quick run through from what may be an overly anxious estate agent looking at their commission.

That is why she should get a written translation which can, if she wishes, be included as an integral part of the purchase documents.

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Thanks everyone for the comments - we will be discussing with our solicitor on including an english translation of the spec with the contract.  I'm sure we'll be coming back with some more questions as this all moves on - the forum seems to be a really rich source of all kinds of useful info.  This terrible rainy day today, following a relentlessly grey week - in the height of the english summer - just reinforces the attraction of southern france...
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'Legally binding ranslation'

An English translation of an original French document is not legally binding, and most English translations will end with a note saying that in the event of a dispute, the French version will prevail (and this is the one you sign). This is because French law is very different from Anglo-Saxon and some French terms are simply untranslatable into English. When I supply a French document translated into English I add a note saying that this translation is 'for information and guidance only'.

Important to note as French notaires are now asking for any power of attorney (procuration) to be supplied with an English translation, so that the person signing the (French) power of attorney understands what they are signing.

P-D de Rouffignac

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  • 2 weeks later...
Depends where you want to build.

Limoux area I know of quite a few builders, some good, some bad ...

When asking about the Aude/Herault region, that's another matter, but be very careful about the 'national' home builders; I've had one client who's had an absolute nightmare with her 'detatched' house in Lezignan.  The national team left 4cm of space between her & her neighbours and the roof tiles touch each neighbour!!!

You also want to be very aware of what they're using as materials, some will use 'alveole plasterboard' essentially honeycombed cardboard separating rooms, cheap, cheerful & won't keep the sound OUT! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Cilla and everyone!  We too are just in the very early stages of having a property built near Limoux -  it's on a plot of around 15 new builds 10 minutes south of the town (near Cuiza).  We are using Harmony Homes - who are mentioned by a poster above.  We have only just returned from our first trip there but we are very pleased with the service so far - we have been shown examples of build quality which seem excellent.  The people we have come into contact with so far speak excellent English, and do in fact have a base in the UK. We're currently researching an English lawyer if anyone has any recommendations.  As mentioned about though, it will take about 18 months for completion in total.

Whereabouts is your plot Cilla?





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys / Gals

We just completed a new build in Luc sur aude, not far from you in Couiza.

We used Duarte Constructions from Carcassonne, very nice company to deal with but its still taken 2 years to complete the house :(   I guess this is about par for the course in Southern France.



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Hey TravelPhil - small world - our new plot is also in Luc sur Aude !  It's only a small place - whereabouts are you?  Are you there permanently or just part of the year?  We're only just finalising our plans so it's likely to be a long haul by the sounds of it, although we're hoping to get the house finished next year, perhaps the landscaping not till Spring 09.  It seems a long time to wait but as you say, it seems par for the course :-) 


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WOW!  Small world indeed, we are on the Chemin de Clot, its just an unmade lane really,  about halfway beytween the D118 and the actual old village, whereabouts are you guys?

Luc is a lovely spot, we have owned the land since 2003 but what with architects, planning and builders we only just moved in about a month ago, at present a maison secondaire but who knows?

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TravelPhil - it's a bit difficult to describe where we are but I'll give it a go!  If you turn left up past the cemetary and keep going up that road, there's a largish plot on the right-hand side that sits between a farm and a vineyard.  It's quite high up.  Our plot is going to be one of  around 15 properties being built on that site.  The planning permissions had only just been granted when we were there at the end of June and ours was the second plot sold.  At that time there wasn't any sign of any groundworks so I'm not sure how obvious it would be at the moment that development will be going on there.  We've had the first plan from the builder/architect and are currently waiting for a revised one.

We loved Limoux when we were on our house-hunting jaunt and the sight of the view from our plot sealed it for us.  I must admit we were/still are a bit unsure about Cuiza as it was remarkably quiet when we were there and we will be a little further out from civilisation than we originally intended, but, as they say, everything is a compromise, and the stunning countryside was the deciding factor. 

It's great to have a "virtual mate" before we've even arrived :-)




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Hi Rosie

I know where this Lotissement is, you will have great views!

Couiza is ok for some shops etc, we don't really go there too much, usually go to Limoux or Rennes les bains to eat out.

Good luck with the new build, PM me sometime so maybe we can touch base when we are both out there.


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Thanks TravelPhil.  We will probably go next in February/March when we plan to have a week's skiing (if there's any decent snow in the Alps this year!) and then go on down to Luc for a week after.  Will definitely keep in touch :-)



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We have neighbours who used Maison Delfi.  If I was building again I would definitely use them. They employ their own builders and do absolutely everything.  If you haven't built before  make sure you find a company who can offer a kitchen and decorating unless you wish to do it yourself.  If you ask for built in wardrobes 'placards' be aware they are just recesses, nothing fitted in to them.  Make sure you have the largest size of sewage pipes fitted - there is a choice but you may not be told that!   Be aware that if the land slopes or is on rock you are likely to be asked for more money at the foundation stage because they don't survey the land in advance. We were caught out big time here.  Best of luck!
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Hi all

I also know the location of the new build you're going to Rosie, looked at it when we were there in June and loved the views.  The build we are in process on is just outside Limoux at Cournanel - we wanted to be nearer Limoux so that tipped the balance for us.  Our solicitor tells us we are "on a long journey" and although the reservation contract gives a time frame of completion in January 2009 we are expecting it to be more like spring - and really hope it doesn't goes much beyond that!  We also live in Sheffield so it's a small world...

We have located someone to help us with getting the building spec translated because we feel it's a key document to understand and attach to the contract and hope we can get the reservation contract firmed up soon.  Does anyone else find this process scary - it's certainly giving me sleepless nights.


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