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Claiming french child benefit?

Daft Doctor

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Hi, a friend of ours has just told us that the french have an equivalent of child benefit and as we have an 11 year old we should be able to claim it. Can anyone tell me if this is indeed so and how one goes about making a claim? We've been resident here since April 2012 so hopefully if claimable it may also be possible to backdate it. Many thanks in advance. 
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That is correct. Go to your local CAF office and fill a few forms out.

You will need to take with you:

Birth Certificates (probably for all of you - but I can't remember now)

Marriage Certificate (if you have one)

Attestation from the Marie saying you live in France (and who the child lives with - it will be paid to the person who the child resides with)

Attestation de Scolaire saying the child is in education in France as well

a RIB so they can pay it direct into your bank

EDIT: Actually ignore all that. I don't think you get anything for your first child- sorry

EDIT (AGAIN) : http://www.caf.fr/aides-et-services/s-informer-sur-les-aides/petite-enfance/les-allocations-familiales-af-0

I think you can claim the Allocation de rentrée though: http://www.caf.fr/actualites/2012/allocation-de-rentree-scolaire-2012-2013



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