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Languedoc: abandoned air fields

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Do any of you know of any abandoned air fields in the Languedoc? I'm doing some research and I can't find names or places.

Thanks in advance to anyone who responds.

Ruth (who will be in the Languedoc in 7 weeks.. but who's counting?)

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[quote user="Richardk"]Sounds like you're after somewhere really...really quiet to do some 'quiet' illegal landings! Good luck!


You don't need to. There are many active airfields and landing strips in France. Look at www.nav2000.com and click research- map on the left and you will see how many there are.

I went up to a mates landing strip, 160 km away, the other day, but found that I needed the loo halfway there. I just landed at a private strip shown on the GPS and took off again.

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What par tof the Languedoc are you looking for Ruth? There is a strip slightly N/E of Carcassonne. The map below was taken from www.geoportail.fr and is great for finding places. A bit like google earth but just for France. The maps are the IGN maps and the best you can get for here. Sorry if I am teaching egg sucking here, but??


There are plans with the idea of developing this strip to the Yank idea of having it the air equivelent of a marina. Where you have the strip and houses around it with their own hangers and all the modern day yuppies who have to travel can have their 'light kites' in the 'garage' and do their commute by air. Sounds good to me if you can afford youe own 'light kite'.

Should do a tiny bit for the property prices there?

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[quote user="rpdupre"]Do any of you know of any abandoned air fields in the Languedoc? I'm doing some research and I can't find names or places.

Since you used the word abandoned, it seems reasonable to assume that's what you really meant!

Short of painstakingly poring over a Michelin map and cross-checking airfields that you find with something like Pooley's Guide, I can't begin to imagine how you'd do this.

I know of one which was abandoned 2 yrs ago, but it's technically in the Vaucluse - just over the Rhone.

Just a thought - that you talk to the people at the aerodromes where there's a really active aero club and they might be able to help you. The obvious one in that category around here is Pujaut, just to the NW of Avignon, but I haven't a clue about others further west.  

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that zoomey thing was amazing !!!!!!!!!!     I found our place and our car ---AND  we are back in the UK !!!!

I take it that its not live but was taken just once some time ago ????????????

It will  give me many hour of pleasure poking around - I had no idea there were so may swimming pools around -


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