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Versement Libératoire as an AE - does anything go on tax return?

Daft Doctor

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Mrs DD is an AE and pays 1% income tax on turnover under the 'versement libératoire d'impot sur la revenue' arrangements.  It is our first year tax declaration coming up and our global income won't breach the ceiling for paying tax on AE earnings in this way.  I just wondered if the AE turnover has to be entered anywhere on the tax form or isn't it necessary under the versement libératoire arrangements?  Thanks for any insight.  [:)]  
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Yes you have to declare your AE earnings on your tax return, it is not included when calculating tax payable but obviously it has to be included in calculating your revenue de reference fiscale, to see if your total household earnings are low enough to qualify you for any benefits.

There is a special box on the tax form where you enter AE earnings that have already been taxed.

You will probably receive a form from URSSAF within the next month or so that confirms the figure you declared for earnings in 2012, and it will actually tell you which box to enter it on the tax return.

But even if you don't receive this bit of paper, the tax form and the instructions make it quite clear.

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