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I saw on the 10.00 news and weather last night that most of Normandy seemed to be having a very bad thunder storms. We then tried to phone a friend and found his number out of use, our immediate thought was he had not paid his bill (this is the most usual reason for not being able to phone him). Then thought maybe all the power lines are down. Perhaps this is a silly thing to be asking at the moment of those who are in Normandy because if the power and phones are down they will not be reading this.

Hope all is well with every one over there

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We have had thunder in the east side of 61, rain, but not really torrential storms and not windy at all. However a friend we spoke to in Mayenne (north of the department) had torrential downpours and violent thunder storms, and thats not 70kms from here.
Brittany had a fair bit apparently too, so I think its been a bit regional. Its thundering and black as yer hat here now, but not raining at all so who knows what will happen tonight. UK have been flash floods in places and theres another bellyful forecast tomorrow......
here endeth the weather forecast
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LAST EDITED ON 28-Apr-04 AT 05:24 PM (BST)

Here in Mayenne we had some severe thunderstorms yesterday evening and during last night the electricity was cut off for around 4 hours.
This morning I had a meeting with the EDF at a clients house near Desertines (North Mayenne)and he said although there wasn't much rain last night, the lightning caused quite a lot of disruption to their supply network.

Having lived here for several years now and having lost two telephones, a modem and two motherboards on my PC's, I always unplug all these devices now in the event of a storm, despite the plug in type surge protectors, and a UPS which I have installed.

I could of course fit a lightning surge protector on the main fuseboard, which are obligatory in some depts (not Mayenne), but the disadvantage is that they are non re-settable and quite costly, even though I get them at trade price.

Even so, the spectacular views of an electric storm approaching on the horizon from here are amazing!


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LAST EDITED ON 29-Apr-04 AT 10:06 AM (BST)

LAST EDITED ON 29-Apr-04 AT 10:00AM (BST)

if I remember rightly your house is in St Mere Eglise - we are just 10 mins away. Had lots of thunder and lightening late last night, mostly out at sea (we are close to Utah Beach). Phones etc working fine here. It is pouring down with rain this morning, but I have to admit it is quite welcome as the water level in our well is right down. Our baker has just been and I asked him if he had come across any problems on his route but he said not, everything this side of Manche seems to working okay. No problems either in Carentan and surrounds. Spoke to the children at school in St Lo last night. The storm was certainly worse there but no power failure etc.
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