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As we have just managed to get a last minute cheapish holiday to France (I am an avid Ebayer!) in the St Aubin sur Mer area, I am now like a puppy with two tails!!! The problem is, whilst I would be perfectly happy (in fact delighted) to spend every day touring around the area to see as much as possible, husband is pleading for a seriously idle, total chill out type of holiday (and to be fair, he really does need a break). However, it would be a dreadful shame, especially in this anniversary year, not to get out and about and see some of the sights, particularly the ones associated with D Day. (In fact to me it would be positively criminal!).

My "must see" list includes Pegasus Bridge, St Mere Eglise, D-Day Museum, Museum of the Atlantic Wall, the Landing Beaches and I would be so terribly disappointed to get so close to the Bayeux Tapestry and not see it!!!

Do you see my problem, I can't even keep a short list short! Bearing in mind the fact that my husband has to move around a bit to keep his dodgy back mobile, the "children" (of 20 and 17!) really would benefit from some culture (LOL), I need some guidance as to which "sights" we would get the greatest benefit/understanding from. Could anyone offer some advice?

Actually, I think this puppy has just grown another tail!! I've just realised that we will also be in France on 14th July!!!! Help!!

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We've got it down to a fine art now with all the visitors we get here. Living close to Utah Beach we start off at St Marie du Mont and St Mere Eglise, then head down the N13 to the German cemetary. Around the roundabout and follow the road to Omaha Beach and the American Cemetary. From there to Arromanche (the 360 degree cinema is always a big hit with young and old)then head to Bayeaux, fitting in the cathedral, tapestry and British cemetary. This usually takes about 6 hours, depending on how long we stay at each place, crowds, weather etc. Caen we usually spend a day there as there is so much to see and do but the Memorial Museum is well worth the visit.
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