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Any pregnant or new mums in 61/14 region

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Now that I am pregnant I am wondering if I am going to survive out here in the countryside. Therefore I would like to try and get a group of mothers and mothers to be to get together and chat, have a break and let the children play.

I was a member of a very good group in Paris and would like to see if I can see if I can start something like that in the region. Whereby we meet in different peoples houses once a week.

My problem is I seem to have very few people in my area when I say 61 I mean the north east corner on the border of Calvados near Lisieux. But driving 30 minutes once a week wouldnt be bad for a change of seen.

If anyone is interested please contact me. Perhaps we can get a big group going for all regions of Normandy. I shall get an email, address and telephone list going. I hope I can remain this organised.

I hope to chat soon, Mum to be (Mom to be actually as I am South African)

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Hi CJ,
I am a new(ish) mum in Dept 35 Brittany so its a bit far away from you .... i have thought about getting together a group of mums and babies however we are not living here permanently just yet .... hope to be soon tho. There is a good website www.babycentre.co.uk where they have a section on Parents in France and I suggest you post a message on there as there is a good response and might be someone living right near you ....

Good luck with the new arrival!!

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