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Sainte Mere Eglise market is on Thursday, it is not a huge market and tends to be much larger in the summer with many visiting stalls selling south of France goodies as well as all the local stuff.  What makes the SME market interesting is the cattle market that goes on at the same time. Not for the faint hearted or vegetarians but a real insight into the the French country way of life.


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Two big markets but south of you are Villedieu les Poeles on Tuesday morning and St. Hilaire du Harcouet on Wednesday.  Villedieu is a nice place to take visitors and there are things to see (apart from the ubiquitous copper and pewter wares). St. Hilaire du Harcouet is near the Lac du Vezins and you could always follow on with lunch at The Auberge de la Selune at Ducey which is on the river and very, very reasonably priced.  At Villedieu I can also highly recommend lunch at Le Fruitier hotel which in my opinion is about the best value for money on the whole of the peninsula!

You probably already knew this anyway!?


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Hello Valerie!

Hope you are good, I would agree with you and lunch at Ducey sounds good after St Hilaire! I would recommend the Pie au Crab!!

Are you around at half term? You are very welcome to come over for a drink? It would be lovely to see you...

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[quote]Two big markets but south of you are Villedieu les Poeles on Tuesday morning and St. Hilaire du Harcouet on Wednesday. Villedieu is a nice place to take visitors and there are things to see (apart fr...[/quote]

We absolutely agree with Le Fruitiere at Villedieu.

We live just ten minutes away and what they do they do very well.

However I am now running out of ideas from crabe for the first course through to cote d'aneau and really do hope they can ring the changes. They know us so well that the regular bottle of wine is put on the table!

However the restaurant on the ground floor near the main car park at St Lo and right on the corner is in our opinion much much better.


The rib of beef for two people complete with doggie bags for those of our friends back home is in our opinion the best value for money meal on the Cotentin.

If one was to push the monetary value somewhat I still say the restaurant overlooking the beach at Pirou plage is still hard to beat.

But indeed I said that about the restaurant at Flaminville where you just have to put out of your head the nuclear power station which is nearby.  He is from the South West and cooks wonderfully she is from Italy I think but its a wonderful combination and one can see on a good day the CI's

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Hi David -

I'm not someone who gets irritated by "message in your inbox" posts because I assume there's some long convoluted story or personal approach being conveyed that needn't bother the rest of us.

But in this instance, if you are replying to LinNorton's question about mid-week markets... what on earth are you saying that couldn't be safely and informatively shared with the rest of the forum?

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If you go to our Normandy forum (link in signature at end of post) and do a search for 'markets' you will find a lot of recommendations - sorry about plugging another site, but the lists are too long to reproduce in the short time I have available today
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This site lists (along with a lot of other cheesy stuff) market days for Orne, Manche and Calvados.


If there's a moderator around, it might be worth adding this to useful links or making it a sticky as market day info is dear to a lot of peoples hearts. And waistlines.

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[quote]Hi David -I'm not someone who gets irritated by "message in your inbox" posts because I assume there's some long convoluted story or personal approach being conveyed that needn't bother the rest of us...[/quote]

I have to say I am in full agreement with Carole here!!  We should be told!!!

My waistline can testify to all the lovely markets too!

(P.S. Carole, I thought you were being rude about Bill's site until I realised you actually DID mean cheesy in the more rudimentary sense of the word!!).


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  • 2 weeks later...
Monday: Briquebec, Carentan

Tuedsay: Barfleur,Cherbourg, Hambye, Lessay, Sourdeval, Villedieu

Wednesday: La Haye du Puits, Granville, St Pierre Eglise, Tessy-sur-Vire

Thursday: Cherbourg,Sainte-Mere-Eglise, Coutances, Ger, Montbray

Friday: Valognes,Brecey, Canisy,

Saturday: Saint-Vaast-La Hougue,Avranches, Barneville-Carteret,Bayeux, Gavray, Mortain, Percy, Periers, Saint Lo

Sunday: Agon, Barfleur, Octeville

These are my usual standby's for visitors, even during winter. St Vaast on Saturday is great, especially if you stop for lunch at one of the many restaurants situated by the harbour. Only trouble is it clashes with Bayeux! So much choice, so little time!!!

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