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Hello, one (and about the only) thing I miss about the U.K is the freedom to roam,used to live near the south downs now just outside of st-Valery-en-Caux. Can someone recommend somewhere I might find info/maps or perhaps experience of a good stroll or two in this area. many thanks Martin
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[quote]Hello, one (and about the only) thing I miss about the U.K is the freedom to roam,used to live near the south downs now just outside of st-Valery-en-Caux. Can someone recommend somewhere I might find ...[/quote]

I can't be certain about your area but here in Finistere we have a lot of booklets widely available with walks of varying distances. Some can be bought in the hypermarket but for more choice you would have to go to a bookshop or newsagent, preferably in a touristy sort of place. There are also sometimes special editions of those glossy local tourist magazines. Our local paper Le Telegramme shows details of a walk every Saturday.

The best maps are from IGN, Top 25 I think they are called are about the best for this purpose. These show contours and routes of the Grandes Randonnées. Not as accurate as Ordnance Survey, names of hamlets are sometimes missing, but good enough.

You could also try for guided or group walks. Check the local paper or ask in the Tourist Office. Virtually every village round here seems to have a group of regular walkers.

Liz (29)
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[quote]Hello, one (and about the only) thing I miss about the U.K is the freedom to roam,used to live near the south downs now just outside of st-Valery-en-Caux. Can someone recommend somewhere I might find ...[/quote]

In the Mayenne Region you have the chemin randonnees which cover the bocage and you can get a set of detailed maps for the from your local Mairie for about 3 euros. Well worth it (I guarantee it as I have had to clear the bloody things)


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I have a book called "Holiday Walks in Normandy" (bought through Amazon)by Judy Smith.  It has lot and lots of walks in it. Here in Swiss Normandy, there are many walks and we picked up extra leaflets in the Tourist Office in Tury Harcourt and Pont d'ouilly.

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We've got a book called 'La Manche à pied', one in a series called 'Les Départements de France à pied' published by FFRP (Fédération Française de la Randonée Pédestre). No doubt there is one for your departement.

There are also much-used walking routes along the old railway lines, though these are very popular at weekends.

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