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Is anybody out there?-Computer help!

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We've been having a few problems with our computer lately!A few days ago we tried to install a Windows update, XP Service Pack 2, and as a result, couldn't get on Internet, send or receive e-mail.

We have a freiend who has helped us with computer problems in the past, but because he's in a full-time job and his wife is ill, we were wondering if anyone in the Avranches area could help us in an emergency!

Yesterday and today again, the computer 'froze' and didnt seem to want to do anything! It seems to be when Securitoo (anti-virus) tries to look in! When these kind of things happen, it makes me very worried an I'm in a bad mood!

If someone could help, it would be brilliant!

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Some ISPs require an upgrade in order to function with XP. This should have been applied before installing sp2 (what, they didn't tell you?).

The update for the ISP can be applied retrospectively (if you can access the internet via a back-door). Otherwise, you will have to uninstall sp2, get the new drivers, etc and reinstall sp2.

You cqn get the required ISP/XP software upgrade from your ISP.

Gosh, don't I sound technical (well, I was impressed!)

Have fun!!!

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Dear Dotty and anyone else with computer problems (for the future),

We had computer problems in the summer (house was hit by lightning) and we found Laurent at Informatique de la Baie to be very helpful - he tried to speak English and we tried to speak French.  He was very efficient and reasonably priced too.  His premises (a bit like a doctor's surgery) are at Route de  la Baie, Avranches (just off the Granville road after the McDonald's roundabout).  You can find his place quite easily because there is a huge white and blue sign on the side of the building which you can see from the main road.

His e-mail address is:


Hope this helps you or anyone else in the area - we found it quite difficult to locate anyone to mend the computer - our house is near St. Pois/Vire and there was no-one in that area that we could find.


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You have had a reply now as to help available in Avranches, so we hope you get your problems sorted out.

We were told (in no uncertain terms) by our daughter and son-in-law who both work for a software company not to download XP pack 2 until all the bugs were sorted out! Still waiting...



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This is your man ! Very helpful

Manche Computer Services

Qualified Microsoft Engineer with over ten years experience. Registered Artisan. Available to help with all aspects of computing for business and/or home. Training, Internet, Purchasing Advice, Installation and Setup, Networking, Fault Diagnosis and repairs.

Contact Colin 02 33 61 46 02

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Thank for all your help. We did get Philippe (our helper of the past), to get rid of Service Pack 2, but the only way he could do this was to re-set the calendar 2 days. He said it was probably because the security was too strong!! Don't know whether we'd be capable of seeing to such ourselves, and that is why your advice about who to see will be very useful. Won't go near SP2 for some time, but thanks Mark, for your advice! The computer sort of 'froze' twice again yesterday, and this is what was worrying me. Tried contacting Wanadoo, by letter, when we lost Internet, but no replies!

Anyway, so glad I contacted the forum!


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Hi Dotty

I know very little about computers but am in 'charge' of my husband's laptop, which came with XP SP1, as MOH knows even less about computers than I do. BUT I was well primed by a very good friend of ours as to SP2.

Before installing: You absolutely must go to the Microsoft security and windows download site and download anything and everything that Microsoft tell you your computer needs to bring it up to date.

It helps if you defrag as well.

Disable your antivirus software, also disable zonealarm or whatever firewall you have. Also disable/uninstall any pop-up stopper you may have.

THEN when your machine is so squeaky clean it purrs you can install SP2 and after add your own firewall in the SP2 security section, ditto your own virus protection. This worked for us - perhaps we were just lucky!

Give me Windoze 98 anyday - no bells, no whistles and nobody wants to hack into it as it is just too old and out of date - like me really!


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