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I would like to buy a map/maps online from the UK, through a website I have 'googled' called Map World. The areas that need covering on the maps are St Sever forest, St Pois and Sourdeval - we are avid walkers! Although I already have some of the series blue it's not easy to find the code numbers which I will need to buy through the website. I know that lots of shops in Normandy stock them, but unfortunately we're not able to come across just yet.  embarrassed
I wondered if anybody could tell me the codes of the maps I will need please?  I think that 1414E covers the town of Vire - but not sure what else.
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Thanks Will and Liz, exactly what we need - these maps are soooo good.

Several years ago 4 of us set off on pushbikes up at the top of the Contentin peninsula - very confidently (or stupidly!) we decided not to take maps - no, we won't be long!! Several hours later we got ourselves lost in a forest - dusk was fast approaching and we ladies in the party were getting slightly...err....anxious!

From that day onwards we never leave on foot/bike without a compass and the local Series Bleue map - mistakes teach you such a lot!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree that these maps are a great asset to understanding an area in detail. But also agree with the above reply.

Its worth being extra careful when planning walks and bearing in mind that they are not exactly up to date. A right-of-way on the map can soon be over-grown. As we found to our cost with a walk in a nearby valley. The last leg of our circular walk turned into a battle through a jungle of fallen trees and nettles. The route had long been impassable and had been shifted into a nearby field. At one time I thought our bones would be found bleaching among the thorn bushes a few years hence.

Funnily enough...I'm at the corner of a map too.

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