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I'm sure Sat 26 March at 18:00 is okay for us, but Graham's playing golf at the moment and I need to check with him. I'll confirm again later this afternoon.

Pierre - I've sent you a private message.


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Hello again,

Not sure if we'll make it this time as it's my birthday on Saturday!!! But you never know, we may do.

I don't think Friday is a Bank Holiday in France, but I understand Monday is. So, I would assume that the shops will be open on Friday, I do hope so anyway, or we will be completely ........................!!! We arrive very late on Thursday night.

See you all there on Saturday if we can make it, if not, until the next time, and have a good time.


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We can't be there on Saturday evening because of loads of locataires arriving at our gites.

Some other time perhaps.

BTW there is a bar in Hesdin, now owned by Brits, which has become quite a meeting place for English speaking expatriates. It's called La Chope. It's a perfectly decent bar, but it can seem a bit too much like a pub in Surrey, as not many French go there.

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Wow! So many p-d-c posters after such a desert!

We have a weekend/school hols place in Beaurainville.  Son aged 7, daughter nearly 4.  Loads for them to do at that age round here thank goodness.  Has anyone tried horse-riding in the area and can recommend anywhere kid-friendly?



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[quote]Wow! So many p-d-c posters after such a desert! We have a weekend/school hols place in Beaurainville. Son aged 7, daughter nearly 4. Loads for them to do at that age round here thank goodness. Has...[/quote]


<<<Has anyone tried horse-riding in the area and can recommend anywhere kid-friendly?>>>

Well, there is a Pony Club (spelt Poney Club) right near me in Coupelle-Vieille.  Some friends who were staying at my house one weekend just turned up there and got a ride - they had a young daughter too.  Its nothing to look at but I am told the horses are well cared for.  Maybe there is somewhere nearer if you are in Beaurainville?

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Well, I've been posting for ages with messages suggesting

meeting up etc...must have sent them to the 'wrong'

section! We too are weekenders, near Hesdin, son 12,

daughter 7, and there are 2 other weekending families

in our village + 4 permanent ex-pat families. We go to an

excellent stables in Wail, about a mile from us - they

have ponies to suit all ages from 'Bonnie' the favourite

of our neighbour's 3 year old, to 'Atomic' our son's choice.

The sisters who run it are a bit off-hand but very

good really & one of them speaks some English. They do

riding for children on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
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Anybody still there for week of 2-7 Apr?

I'm not a home-owner in the area but will be over for a few days at Beaurainville, with my sister-in-law, and would fancy a visit to Le Fournil one evening (anyone know what days of the week it might be closed, by the way?).


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We are in Arry, just near Rue, Picardie, and were told we were the only Brits in the commune of Arry. This is true but not surprisingly as there are only 150 total population! I think we have heard all of 3 English voices in the "big town" of Rue over this winter whilst we have been there.  Like most of you we are not permanent but go over regularly. I heard a rumour that there was a brave English that had a house even nearer to Crecy than us, in Vron! We often go to Hesdin and Montreuil for their markets and St Valery and Le Crotoy. We would be pleased to make some contacts.

David and Frances.

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Hi we will (fingers crossed)be moving into our house on the Marais in Serques in June would love to meet up with fellow francophiles  the house warming party is open to all!!!  have been visiting this area for years and love it am in st aubin sur mer for may (makes me sound posh but I am camping!!)
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Hi Lesley,

As Pierre rightly says, our house isn't far from you. We're in a small village called Acquin Westbecourt, which is north of Lumbres. Very nice to hear that you won't be far from us as we haven't come across any other english with a house in our area.

Do you plan to live in France or is your house a maison secondaire like ours? We usually manage to get to Acquin every month for a few days.

It would be good to meet you, and we'll definitely be over in June for the St Omer golf tournament, which I think starts on 12th June. So if you're planning a house warming ....

Graham and Jacquie
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So . . . did that group get together in the Café des Sports over Easter then?  How did it go?

I found several good places to eat during my stay last week:

- the Estaminet attached to the craft shop at Bouin Plumoison was friendly, with a single set menu and some jokey Flemish-style pub games to play.  Open Fri, Sat, Sun; they like you to book so that they know how many they are catering for.

- the 3 Fontaines, a Logis hotel at Marconne, on the outskirts of Hesdin. Great food, and very reasonably-priced lunchtime menu. Has anybody tried the rooms?



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Hi Angela,

Yes, we did manage to meet up as planned and spent a very pleasant couple of hours chatting.

We ought to organise another date to meet up in the summer, when hopefully a few more will be able to join us.

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  • 3 months later...
sorry that I have not replied but I have been so busy, no problems with the sale but am playing catch up with gardening , decor , tree removing etc,  I love the house  (which is on a small island and everything has to go into the bac ( which i think must be french for small rusty metal bath tub!!!) before we haul it across the river ) I hope to be there for the whole of august trying to make the house water proof have a phone in France but no comp. as yet .  lene is the market still in Lumbres on a Friday??  I am having a ball but god its hard work keeping two houses going AND I am helping my daughter do hers up to sell, in fact shes threatening not to let me go back unless I put the new path in that I have been threatening her with all summer !!! might just have to slope out of the back door!! hope to meet some of you soon lesley
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hi Lesley

Where are you ?  I am near Fruges and hoped to spend all of  August there  but it is not to be.  I will be off to Switzerland on Monday for an indefinite period.  Good luck to you and your venture.   If you  are near I could recommend some reliable craftsmen if needed

Pierre ZFP



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thanks Jacqui got the message and look forward to meeting up for a coffee (well water for me) would be pastis but i will be driving !!  Pierre is it still wet and grey in luxembourg ? might be taking my daughter there for the day next week (love the place) must be because I am welsh and simpatico with the weather will meet up any time though when you are in france I am going over Friday if anybody is gagging for any brit food (why  I wonder but then I do have a stack of gravy powder and a brilliant recipe for making my own bacon ) will be hitting emmaus for my antique lace etc sauturday afternoon so could use that as a dropping point
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Hi Angela,

How fortuitous that you mentioned Emmaus at Bailleul/Nieppe. I want to take my Mother there when we're over at the end of August, but I can't remember where it is. Any chance you can give me directions?


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Hi Lesley

Well, I've left Luxembourg now.  But I have moved further afield.  I am now in Zurich, started work today so its all a bit of a blur.  So much for my plan to take the summer off.  Ah well......  Oh  yeah, its grey and wet here too - where is summer ???  

So, you have a recipe for bacon ??  Do share (please)



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Here you are, Jacquie:

Annoyingly, there are no prices marked, so you have to ask about each item.
Tues & Thurs, 2-5pm; Sat 10am-noon & 2-5pm. 514 Ruelle des Rameaux, Nieppe, 2km SW of Nieppe & 1km W of J9 of A25, well signposted off D122 near water-tower (tel: 03 20 48 78 74).

If you're anywhere near Hondschoote, there's another huge brocante (not an Emmaus):

Huge barn 6km south of Hondschoote, and a few metres from the Belgian border. Note that it’s closed on Fridays. Mon-Thurs, & Sat 9am-noon & 2-6pm; Sun 2.30-6pm. Oost-Cappel, on D916A, east of 5 Chemins crossroads (tel: 03 28 68 32 35).

Now perhaps somebody can tell *me* some good ones in the area!

Happy hunting!


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