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We are spending our first Christmas/New Year in our new house near Domfront.

Does anyone know of any events or festivals going on in the area? When we visited the area last November I remember spotting an advert for a festival of village illuminations. Where several villages in the area were illuminated and there was a map and route to follow. i can't find anything on the web about it.

Does anyone know of anything worth a visit?

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The Festival of Illuminated villages is the main happening in the Orne at this time of the year.  This is real competitive stuff as only the French can do it! What started as a display in the small village of Beauchene near Flers has become a month long battle between villages with allegations of serious skull-duggery! Villages are divided into categories depending upon population and the winning communes are allocated a "Sapin" rating along the lines of the flowery villages.

The concours runs from 15 December to 15 January and trips are organised from as far away as Paris to tour the lights.

Beauchene now does the organising but their own display is still one of the best.

The Domfront Tourist Office site mentions the event but there is no route map. See also : www.guideinnormandy.com/accueil.php3?rep=visites&page=illumines

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Our village - Saint Michel de Montjoie - the granite village (with the Musee de Granit) is having its annual fireworks display   on the evening of 30th December.  Although there are only about 400 habitants, the display is so good that it usually draws thousands of spectators. There are a couple of little old houses with granite fireplaces that are transformed into les petites buvettes (drinking houses) for the evening which sell various buvettes including mulled wine.  The fireworks are fantabulous - and are set off to music.  No charge either - paid for by the social committee from creamed off profit of other get togethers during the year.

St Michel de Monjoie is near St. Pois in Manche - but not that far for you to come!


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