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Does anyone living in or near Domfront know when the medieval pageant (or whatever you may call it - spectacle I suppose) is happening this year? There were notices at last year's event saying that this year would be on a Battle of Hastings theme as it is the 940th anniversary. (What is that anniversary? Fluff?)

Anyway, I have a friend who may want to arrange his hols to come to it.

Last year was magnificent - if you want to see some pictures, mine are at


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I live 12 km South of Domfront and attended last years pageant and it was very good.  Unfortunately it is keld every other year.  having said that I have seen signs boasting about the aniversary so there could be something happening.  I will talk to the tourist office and find out.
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Thanks for that. I thought the spectacle last year was excellent - especially when the chatelain was drilling the troops by our restauarnt and stopped to sit at our table - when we spoke to him he cried out "Les Anglais!" in alarm and we were surrounded by the guard... Offered him a glass in return for our freedom but he demurred. An ace day.
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Have a change Dick,

Go to the Fete des Remparts in Dinan.

Try http://perso.wanadoo.fr/fete-remparts.dinan/

Every two years and this year the 17th festival is
on July 22 and July 23 2006.

Bigger and truly better every year. Dress in Medieval costume and the entrance is free !

Little tip, don't go as a beggar, there are thousands of 'em that do and the genuine ones can't get a look in !

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The URL you gave for your photos came up as "error" within the URL ??

If it is hot (and it normally is !) I shall have a cold bottle of

Breton cider in Dinan on the 22nd July and shall buy you a drink as

well and I will drink it on your behalf, nice chap that I am !

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I've put a shilling in the meter and it now works again...

Ooh, cold cider on a hot day, how nice. Here in England our local Wetherspoons had proper cidre bouchée as a guest recently. A pleasant surprise.

This is the poster - as I say, ambiguous.


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