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Complete France Forum

Informative website for the Saint-Pol/Hesdin-area

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Hi there,

A very informative overview of the area where you are. I really enjoyed looking through all the links on the website. Well done, very impressive your research is exceptional. As someone who may relocate from the Uk to Pas de Calais, I am beginning to like what I see from websites like yours. Congratulations!


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Robert, Hi,

          Can you help, I have a friend who has a house in Hesdin.  Before Xmas he received his Taxe d'habitation bill, which included the sum of 116 euros for a tv licence as is usual in France now.  I on his behalf, penned a letter to his tax dept, explaining that as he was still renovating the house and was not resident in Hesdin, he had no tv.  He has just received another bill from them demanding the money !  Has he got to pay this regardless ?  We have a house in Burgundy and were sent a letter separately, asking us whether or not we had the means of receiving tv, to which we replied no, as we are in thbe same position as my colleague.  Our bill arrived with just the Taxe d'habitation, so can you suggest what he should do now?



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As I am not in France now I have no access to my tax papers. But if memory serves me right the 2005 tax d’habitation/redevance audiovisuelle bill I received came with a form on which one could declare not to have a TV. If so (not in my case) one could simply send in the form and just pay the tax d’habitation. Perhaps it was the use of a letter instead of the (prescribed?) form that caused the problem. Anyway, I would think it advisable to contact the tax department to sort this out. 

This is what I found on this subject on the official government website (http://vosdroits.service-public.fr):

Tout contribuable qui paye une taxe d'habitation est présumé détenir un poste de télévision ou dispositif assimilé. Si ce n'est pas le cas, il doit le préciser dans sa déclaration de revenus souscrite l'année au cours de laquelle la redevance est due, en cochant la case prévue à cet effet à la 1ère page du formulaire de déclaration. Les personnes imposables à la taxe d'habitation mais qui ne souscrivent pas en leur nom une déclaration de revenus doivent directement informer leur centre des impôts de l'absence d'appareil ou de dispositif assimilé. Un formulaire spécifique leur sera remis.

The redevance audiovisuelle was discussed extensively in the finance and satellite tv etc. sections of this forum. I would suggest to ask any further questions there.


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