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Hi we are staying with friends in the Vendee in September and we live in (50)  On the way back and to celebrate both our birthdays and wedding anniversary we intend to spend a few days in Southern Brittany.  Indeed and whilst there we would wish to look around and try to locate a differing property to the one we currently own in Normandy and one that is nearer the coast.

Please has someone any ideas as to location and possible hotels?

many thanks


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You will be spoilt for choice.  Hundreds of hotels for the tourists near the coast.  Have you any idea where you would like to live?  The South coast of Brittany around Sarzeau, Vannes, Carnac etc is reputed to be more expensive than Paris.

A short distance away you arrive in Finistere which is possibly cheaper and very beautifull.

Have you looked at the Notaires site?  You can see the house styles and prices and it might help you decide where to stay.  Ouest France also do a property guide Wednesday and Saturday which is on line.

Other than that, I can't help as very rarely go to the south coast as it is too crowded and I haven't been to Vannes for years and it is only 45 minutes!  God!  I'm a misery!

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Anywhere around Vannes is going to cost you an arm and a leg - we are currently renting an apt and the prices are ridiculous.  The taxe d'habitation and other similar taxes are also very high.  Unless you really have a lot of money to throw around, I'd look a bit further inland or as someone else suggested, up towards Finistère.

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Thanks for the response(s) Some research had already identified high housing costs due obviously to location location location plus perhaps maisons secondaire.  We live in (50) wonderful location with 180 degree views but somewhat isolated.  Bought in August 2001 wonderful sunny day seduced into buying and forgot the basics of buying a house.  We love it but as we get older we feel we need to be nearer a town and to be able to integrate.  So we continue our search and will look inland from the coast but the main principle is to celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversary so if something turns up then a bonus.

Our days of throwing money at property or having at least to think about throwing money at property has long since gone.  The value of life and living is more important.  The kids back home are taken care of here is for us and our lives.

thanks for your help

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