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I have a house in Brittany near to Quintin and am going out there this week-end. I need to buy a shed that I can take home that day ie.a flat pack. When I tried to buy one last month I had no luck. Leroy Merlin in St Brieuc had none in stock and none of the bricolage shops sold them.  Can anyone recommend somewhere?  It needs to be fairly sturdy.
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Hi - I've tried that and was quoted 3 weeks before they get most of them in stock.  The trouble is with work commitments at the moment I never know when I am going out next, even though I am in France approximately every 3 weeks.  Hence the need just to pick one up.  thanks for the suggestion.
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How did all you "sheddies" get on with your declaration de travaux ?  Still waiting to hear whether we are going to be allowed to put up our green metal shed.  Could be worth checking which are the most acceptable in your area before buying?
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[quote user="westland"]How did all you "sheddies" get on with your declaration de travaux ?  Still waiting to hear whether we are going to be allowed to put up our green metal shed.  Could be worth checking which are the most acceptable in your area before buying?[/quote]

Must admit that I didn't complete a DdT.  At the time, I didn't realise that I might have had to complete one, but they're pretty laid back about that sort of thing around here.  Nobody (except us and the sangliers) can see it, so they'd probably have told me to forget about it.

I think ................... !

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If there's a Leclerc within reach, you might want to see if they've got any.  We bought a brilliant metal one from there last year at a very cheap price.  When we left France last weekend, our local Leclerc was just assembling a "show" shed, so they might be on offer about now. They're usually advertised in the many leaflets you get through the door, although they did sell out very quickly, so in the end we had to order ours!


Best of luck


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I think they must be very law-abiding citoyens round here.    Everyone who sees it asks whether we made a declaration for our small greenhouse "C'est ridicule, mais c'est obligatoire!"  When our neighbour put up a small shed he made a point of telling us that he had applied for permission - like we were bothered!

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