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beaches on the baie de somme

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I was going to post this on the gas users thread, in which a question was raised about the above, but realized I was going very off-topic, so...

The best stretch of beach at Le Crotoy is further round than the bit by Mado, past the headland with the old Guerlain place (now the Tourelles hotel) in the direction of the Marquenterre. Long, long stretch of sand backed by dunes. Only swimmable at high tide (at low tide you can barely see the sea) and even then quite shallow, but not subject to the currents in the way St-Val is. Plus there's a really funky little beach bar there called No Shoes, tucked into the dunes. White sails for shade, tree stumps for tables - it felt positively Caribbean in July! They also offer lots of sporting activities. IMHO about the only reason to leave St-Val for Crotoy (well, that and the annual sheep transhumance). From St-Val you don't even need to go into Crotoy town, you can follow signs straight to it. It's a lovely (flat!) cycle ride of about an hour from St-V.

And talking of sheep - the bay's "Estran" salt marsh lamb has just been awarded its AOC! First of its kind in France. And quite right too.

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Hi neighbour

I loved reading your description of the beach beyond LeCrotoy. We have been to Plage de la Maye which is a bit further on towards Marquenterre. We were careful to check the tides and walked out towards the sea at low tide. Could only just see the sea with binoculars but there were lots of birds as we were so close to the bird reserve and seals on the sand banks. It was a lovely hot day and the horizon was shimmering like a shot from Lawrence of Arabia. Every now and then a tractor would chug past us pulling a trailer full of crates for the mussels they were going to pick. We bought some moules de bouchot from their shed by the side of the road on our return. Couldn't have been fresher.

What is your beach called? We have been out to Le hourdel on our bikes but haven't done the Bay yet.



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Hi Fay and Vanessa,  Sorry, I really *had* gone off-topic on that last one.  [:$]

Thanks for the info; it's almost as good as being there  (but probably not so cold!).

I did stay a night at Les Tourelles last November, so must have been just above the beach!  And did go to La Maye once on another wintry day. Wonderfully wild. 

Also stomped along the shingle at Le Hourdel this summer - aren't those plants growing in it amazing!  I presume it's sandy there at low tide, as there were notices warning about the "baches".

Last time I was at St Valery (?June), I heard a sheep-y noise, and looked across the bay to see thousands of them coming down to the water's edge on the Le Crotoy side to drink. An incredible sight, and sound.  I loved the Picarvie museum, incidentally.  Is that where the Sunday market is, outside the museum, or is it somewhere else?



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Hi Angela

I have to confess I haven't visited the Picarvie museum.

The sunday market is in Place des Pilotes and often stretches down the promenade walk depending on the time of year. Its where all the cars park in front of Le Bistrot de St. Val and the Casino and La Terrasse.

Sometimes the market is moved down by the little train station and the Port de Plaisance if there is another activity going on in the Place such as the Christmas Market, which is being held over the weekend of 2nd/3rd December this year.

We love wild and windy le Hourdel. If you walk as far as the old German blockhouse you can see the seals out on the sand bank at low tide ( better with binoculars).

The sheep are an amazing sight aren't they? There is a bar half way along the promenade that does the mini golf and we have enjoyed a drink on a hot sunny day under the trees watching the sheep come down to the waters edge to drink.

Next time you are passing please see if we are about and say hello! ( Ours is a maison secondaire )


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Hi both

I've never made it to the Musee Picarvie either! But for the first time in 14 years I did go out on the boat trip past Le Hourdel and kicked myself for not having done so before - fabulous even on a grey october day.

I have the sheep in the water as one of my changing St-Val wallpapers on the laptop, as the nights get longer and the evenings darker it's making me pine for summer!

To answer the question - I don't know the name of the beach. It basically starts where Le C ends and appears to run all the way up to the marquenterre. It's where the sheep are 'mustered' (or should that be mustard!) for the transhumance, that's the only reason I worked out how to find it. I'd look on the IGN map - but it's in St-Val...

PS - thanks for the leaflet about the Christmas market, Vanessa!
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Not been to Picarvie either, Faye?!  That shows you two are real residents!
You'll be telling me next that you have never been to the Saturday market in Rue, or to its unexpectedly good little museum in the belfry?  Or to the sweet little hydro-electric station at Long, on the Somme?   [;-)]
Mind you, that Le Hourdel boat trip sounds wonderful...

I have to come clean, and say that I am writing a guidebook (hope that's not advertising; I haven't said anything about title or publication date!), and have spent a couple of years making frequent short trips.  I just love the area, I must say. (It's proving near-impossible to cut the text down to size, as there are so many things I could not bear to leave out!)

Wish I could make it to the Christmas market...  Not a chance!



PS  I've got the IGN "carte de promenade" series 01 to hand; Le Crotoy sort of finishes where the D4 meets the coast, then there's a blank area called "le Marais" for about 2km, and then La Maye.

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Hi Angela

I don't think Fay and  I needed much encouragement to wax lyrical about our favourite part of France.

We have been to Rue market but not to the museum in the belfry, or the hydro electric station at Long, but thanks for the idea.

For a small town the Christmas market is great and gets better each year we've been. Good luck with the book.


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I have to confess I've not been to Rue or Long - must get out of St-Val more! I shall make the effort next longish visit.

Is your guide going to be just Picardy, Angela, or the northern coast perhaps? A friend pointed out recently that most guidebooks totally ignore the baie de somme - and that includes the bunch I work for (the ones that 'show you what others only tell you').
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