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Where is the divide for north west France?

I would have thought that Brittany could have been an area on its own by the number of residents for this site that have settled there!

I find it most confusing exchanging about various areas which are supposed to be within this area - some I would find really timeconsuming to visit and have no culture connection with Brittany!

Out of my own preference I would rather see Brittany on its own! What about other forum members? Surely it is an unique area on its own without dragging other areas into it?

Ok, maybe I am missing the plot that  techcnologically  that is (ict) that it is more convenient for adminstration, but surely sensibly Brittany is an area unique on its own?


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Well Haute Normandie is certainly a long way away from Basse Normandie at its extremities and so Pas de Calais is even further (and the Somme??!!).  It is difficult knowing where to draw the line.  We are in Manche (Basse Normandie) but only about 25 minutes drive from Brittany - the scenery is very similar and it is Armorican - the same land mass as Brittany.  I expect this is why someone somewhere takes the plunge and decides where the limits will be.


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Brittany did have it' own section whenthis site first started up and was integrated a couple of years ago into all the rest of northern France. I personally do not like being put in with the Pas de Calais or Somme region, we have nothing in common and like you two would welcome Brittany and Normandy back seperately.
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Hey you guys I'm very hurt!

Where would you like the social pariahs of Picardie and Pas-de-Calais to go to? Shall we join with Alsace and Bourgogne, which are a lot further away, and very genuinely culturally different? Or should we not be here at all?

On a point of geography, the Somme doesn't warrant a "??!!" as it is nearer to Normandie than Pas-de-Calais is (no offence P-d-C) - my little bit of heaven on the Baie de Somme is just a few miles from the Normandy border. Maybe you have got your battles in a twist and are lumping it into Flanders?

Re the "nothing in common" - where I am, the food, climate, landscape and culture are very similar to those of Normandie (and it was William the Conqueror's actual point of departure en route to Hastings!).

Anyway, on a more serious note, it's hardly a big deal that, for admin ease, the forums have to be grouped into large geographical chunks, so long as you know where to look for your area. It's easy enough to identify posts that are related to your area/interests.

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She does look a bit like it doesn't she! No, it's my Devon Rex cat Pyewacket when she was a kitten. Belly-on-legs we used to call her. She has grown into her ears a bit now...

Re post just above, LOL.

(What other post...?)
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  • 1 month later...

Good on you Fay. There is so much going for the Baie de Somme area, not least that there are fewer "Brits" around except in the lemming months of July and August than in many other parts. At least we in the Baie area are generally welcomed and there is no flag burning here!


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Surely the Pas-de Calais should be the region to be given its own section (OK, I'll allow the Somme in, but not the whole of Picardie). Furthermore the Pas-de Calais section should be the first in the listings.

After all, it's obvious that the rest of France is just an appendage, dangling off the bottom of this important, historic region.  A region which has the strategic advantage of being situated within 3 hours drive of  4 European capital cities - 5, if you count Luxembourg - yet retains a truly France Profonde ambiance.

Brittany is so far detached from mainstream France, it should be lumped in with Corsica or even the DOM/TOM bits.

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  • 2 months later...

[quote user="Fay"] ...Maybe you have got your battles in a twist and are lumping it into Flanders? ....[/quote]

I won't hear a word said against French Flanders!

I love its flatness and huge skies - what a variety of *weather* you can see around you.  I rave over the belfries with their jolly carillons; the crow-stepped gables;  the ancient brick houses and churches with their inbuilt designs of "runes";  the crazy carnivals with their 15-foot-high giants;  the quirky estaminets with their hearty servings of potjevleesch and their table-top pub games;  great little towns and villages, such as Esquelbecq, Wormhout, Cassel and Godewaersvelde (no, I can't pronounce it either!);  and their bizarre sports like javelots, bourles and vertical archery...

Sorry, have I got carried away a bit there?  [:D]

Anyway, it was only to say that it doesn't have much in common with Brittany; Flanders is much more exciting...


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Gosh, no offence intended - I love Flanders too; nearly bought a house there once. At Boescheppe if I recall correctly. Got pipped at the post.

I only meant that the implication in an earlier post was that the Somme is further away from Normandy than Pas-de-Calais is, when it (Somme) is actually next to it (Normandy), and I wondered if the post-er had lumped together the two WW1 battlegrounds. It's not uncommon for people to do that.
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