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[quote user="Gillian"]I know exactly what you mean, Llwyncelyn. Although we have been happily settled in Normandy for several years and have many French friends, with advancing years my husband and I feel the need to be less isolated and perhaps (dare I say it?) even to be nearer our own people - the British! We would prefer to stay in Basse Normandy, though, so can anyone tell us where in Normandy most Brits live?[/quote]

Thanks Gillian for daring to say that you don't mind being near your own people - the British. I have lost confidence in approaching English people, ever since we were greeted by our English neighbour down the lane saying: "You are honoured, you are the first English people in France we have agreed to have tea with!" (And they have had their holiday house for over 20 years). I want and need friends and it makes no difference if they are British or French or any other nationality, but to me English are the nicest most genuine people in Europe and I certainly would not want to miss them even when I am in France! 

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Is the bar in Le Chefesne a going concern?  I've never yet seen it open!

Do you know why the people at the Moulin want to sell up?  They've only been there the same length of time as we've been in France (just under 4 years) and have done a lot of work to it.  Is it not working as gite/B&B?

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Christian is very 'flexible' with his opening hours.

I reckon if he gets more than 10 customers a week he goes on holiday to celebrate   [:D]

He's a fund of local history though.

When the family came to visit he thought it was his birthday - the boys were there every evening for a couple of beers.If the door is open he's open, if his car is there he will probably open if asked!!!!!!!!

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Hi I of course do remember you and well!  As to Christian I tend to go there a couple of times a week but not when there has been a high tide for he is off to St Martin de Brehal for his mussels etc etc.  He is a fanatic.

The moulin seemingly is not working out or there is a lack of interest thought about buying it once but now wax and wane for my brother is here and says why do you want to move.  My response today is good sunshine good lunch at the Moulin at Beauchamps then St Pair sur Mer and we can talk and chat about all sorts of things. However when you go we are likely not to see anyone up here for a few days.  He still says I am mad to sell.

Again the previous owners of Les Gourmets have sold and the place is or has gone down hill.  They have bought a tabac at Bayeaux and open the the 1st November.  Locals think Les Gourmets will last until Xmas and that might be an opportunity but that business seems very very hard to me.



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I wouldn't touch the moulin with a barge-pole.  It's very picturesque and we had some great holidays there - mainly due to Roger and Jasmine, the then owners, but the back of the place is very damp - hardly surprising with a mill race running along it, but sometimes the back bedroom wall was wet with damp and condensation!  Roger also spent most of his life maintaining the river bank.  Perhaps I've answered my own question as to why the current owners want to move!  I was just interested to know if it was because they couldn't make a go of the business or not.

Is the Moulin at Beauchamps good?  I always think it looks very nice but haven't tried it.  We intended to about three weeks ago when we went to order a new table from the furniture place behind it but sadly it was closed.

Last time we went into Les Gourmets we thought it had gone downhill and that was about 18 months ago.  It became too hit and miss, one time it would be really good and the next not even reaching average.

I think your spot is lovely too but it must be treacherous in icy conditions!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Coco how can I apologise for the huge delay in replying...........I cannot.  However I have been back quite a few times to the UK on legal business and if the Court decision of last week in respect of the 90 day ruling is upheld then I will not be going back so often.

The Moulin at Beauchamps (from our standpoint) is still so good but Les Gourmets seemingly we are told by interested locals may close before Xmas. The previous owners now run a tabac in the pedestrian area of Bayeux.

I think the owners of the Moulin down the road from us are having some problems but that is gossip and reality is something else.  Linda now goes to art classes with them and indeed today at French classes at Tessy met the lady once more.  So that suggests a continuation of the situation?

We too now need a new table for the study and so that I can work more efficiently.  Is the furniture place good both on quality and price?

Obviously the weather here is not too good at the moment but as long as we do not have anymore snow then I think we can accept whatever is thrown at us.

Will send you a pm on a matter that we touched upon earlier and just to make a point to other contributors this is truly a pm on a matter of some personal interest and nothing at all to do with the forum.

kindest regards




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